Quercetin is a plant compound, or flavonoid, that is found in plants like kale, tomatoes, apples, green tea, and berries. It has been heavily studied for it's powerful anti-oxidant and beneficial health properties. Your body can't make quercetin, so you need to get it from fruits, vegetables and tea, or in supplement form. Here are some of the benefits of the amazing quercetin.
Your body is always detoxing through eliminative organs like your skin, lymph nodes, liver and kidneys. But today, you are exposed to more toxins than ever - even if you are super careful. Exercise helps your body detoxify by increasing circulation and moving lymph fluid. Your brain detoxifies at night when you sleep. So getting enough sleep is important for your brain health. Here are some drinks and foods that help detox your body.
You are exposed to so many toxins, even if you try to avoid them. Most public buildings use commercial cleaning products and artificial scents. Even most of the receipts you touch contain Bisphenol A (BPA) or Bisphenol S (BPS), which are known to be hazardous to your health. The more you can avoid toxins, the better. But you're still going to be exposed if you go out in public. You can help your body release them by drinking herbal teas and taking a detox bath.
Read more...You may have seen statements that warn against eating foods that contain phytates. But what are they and are they bad for you? Plant seeds store the mineral phosphorus naturally as phytic acid. When you eat plant foods with phytic acid, it binds to other minerals in your digestive tract, like calcium and iron, and creates what are known as phytates. The main foods that contain phytic acid are nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and whole grains. Research shows that you may not absorb as much of some minerals when they are bound to phytic acid. But this varies depending other factors.
The health of your mouth is more important to your overall wellness than you may realize. Unhealthy bacteria in your mouth can get into your bloodstream through your gums. Once in your bloodstream, they can cause inflammation in your arteries, gut, lungs and other organs. There have been studies that have shown a correlation between people with serious health issues and poor oral health. Here are some ways to have naturally healthy teeth and gums.