Foods That Help Detox Your Body
Your body is always detoxing through eliminative organs like your skin, lymph nodes, liver and kidneys.  But today, you are exposed to more toxins than ever - even if you are super careful.  Exercise helps your body detoxify by increasing circulation and moving lymph fluid.  Your brain detoxifies at night when you sleep.  So getting enough sleep is important for your brain health.  Here are some drinks and foods that  help detox your body.


You may think of dandelions as just a weed, but they have been part of herbal medicine since at least the 17th century.  They are loaded with vitamins and anti-oxidants and are a natural diuretic that helps flush excess fluids from your body.  Dandelions also help support the liver.  The polyphenols in them can help reduce inflammation.  Dandelions can be eaten cooked or raw or used to make a tea or tincture.  The root of the plant  contains soluble fiber which can help you maintain a healthy gut microbiome.  Other compounds in the plant are thought to help balance blood sugar and lower cholesterol.


Cucumbers are over 90% water and so can help you stay hydrated.  Like dandelions, they contain anti-oxidants and soluble fiber which can help you maintain a healthy gut microbiome.  Cucumbers are actually a fruit and they contain important vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, magnesium and manganese.  It's best to eat the peel since it also contains important nutrients.


Ginger has been consumed for both it's positive effect on digestive health and for the anti-oxidants it contains which help can reduce inflammation and pain.  It can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice.  Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger.  It’s responsible for much of ginger’s medicinal properties.  Ginger has also been studied for it's ability to support weight loss. balance blood sugar and reduce pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis.


Starting your day with the traditional Ayurvedic cup of warm water and lemon juice is good way to support your liver and digestion.  Being a citrus fruit, lemons are high in vitamin C.  There haven't been many research studies on the affects of drinking lemon juice on humans.  But it's thought to support weight loss, improve skin health, and freshen breath.


Artichokes are another vegetable that is packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and fiber.  You can fresh cook it or get it in cans and jars at the grocery store.  You can also supplement with artichoke leaf extract.  Some small studies have shown the health benefits of taking artichoke leaf extract including balancing blood sugar, lowering bad cholesterol, supporting digestive health, helping regulate blood pressure and supporting liver health.

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