Benefits of Blending and Juicing

Benefits of Blending and Juicing
The general recommendation is to consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.  If that sounds like too much for you to consume, then blending or juicing those servings could be a great option.  Blending and juicing vegetables with fruits can also be a great way to help the children in your life get enough vegetables.  It's best for you to make the juice or smoothies yourself because store bought options are most often pasteurized and that can destroy important nutrients.  And of course, if you can get organic produce - all the better.  Here are some considerations and great ways to get all the benefits of blending and juicing.


Are Common Fodd Additives Good for You?

Are Common Fodd Additives Good for You?
Many prepared foods and drinks contain food additives that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers safe.  This is true for organic products as well.  Their database contains over 3,000 food additives and colors that are classified as "Generally Recognized as Safe" or GRAS.  These additives are used to increase the safety of your food, improve nutritional value and improve taste, texture and appearance.  But are these common food additives good for you?

Benefits of Food Combining

Benefits of Food Combining
You can boost the power of the healthy foods you eat by combining certain foods so that their nutrients are more available to your body.  How your food is grown and how long it takes to get to your kitchen, can also impact the nutritional quality of what you eat.  In addition, some food preparation techniques can release more nutrients.

Healthy Skin Care

Healthy Skin Care
Taking proper care of your skin is important for your overall wellness and can affect how your skin ages.  Your skin is your largest eliminative organ and is a crucial part of your immune system.  You have probably heard of the gut microbiome and the importance of keeping it healthy by eating a clean nutrient rich diet and feeding the good bacteria.  Your skin has a microbiome too and it's important to keep it balanced as well.

Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory
Having a good memory is an indicator of overall brain health and is a pleasure we all should enjoy.  Studies have shown that you can improve your memory.  Some people have dedicated their life's work to helping people improve their memories.  Jim Kwik, a memory expert, says that about 1/3 of your memory is genetic.  The rest, you can influence.
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