Amazing Quercetin
Quercetin is a plant compound, or flavonoid, that is found in plants like kale, tomatoes, apples, green tea, and berries.  It has been heavily studied for it's powerful anti-oxidant and beneficial health properties.  Your body can't make quercetin, so you need to get it from fruits,  vegetables and tea, or in supplement form.  Here are some of the benefits of the amazing quercetin.

Supports Brain Health

Because it is a powerful anti-oxidant, quercetin can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.  Inflammation is the root cause of many health issues, including problems with cognition.  Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals in your body.  The antioxidant properties of quercetin help to fight free radicals.  In addition, There have been studies about the positive affects of  quercetin in patients with forms of Alzheimer's.

Skin Health

The anti-inflammatory action of quercetin can also be of benefit to skin conditions like eczema.  Quercetin also has antibacterial properties which make it helpful for most bacterial conditions that affect the skin.

Relieves Pain

The root cause behind many types of pain comes from inflammation.  So once again, the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of quercetin have been studied for it's ability to help reduce pain.

Cardiovascular Health

As a powerful anti-oxidant, quercetin has been studied for it's benefits for people with heart and cardiovascular conditions.  Eating dark colored fruits and vegetables is the best way to get lots of quercetin in your diet.  Studies have shown that diets high in those foods reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Another study by the the American Heart and Stroke Association, showed that taking quercetin supplements could be an effective way to reduce blood pressure.

Allergy Support

Your body releases histamines when it detects and allergy or sensitivity to a food, drink, or pollen.  Histamines are what gives you allergy symptoms.  Quercetin has long been used in Chinese herbal remedies to help reduce the release of histamines and allergy symptoms.

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