Aging is a given, but aging poorly is not. As time passes, it can bring you many positive things like new and stronger relationships, more family and more experiences. You can help yourself enjoy the gifts of time by following some simple diet and lifestyle habits that will allow you to age well. Here are some things you can do to avoid fatigue, joint pain, memory loss, weight gain and more.
Read more...Keeping your cardiovascular (circulatory) system healthy is important so that you have plenty of energy and a long healthy life. Your veins (also called blood vessels) and arteries are part of your cardiovascular system. They carry blood to and from your heart. If they become inflamed or clogged, your heart won't get the oxygen it needs to function well.
Read more...It may seem that failing vision is a natural part of aging. There are also diseases like diabetes and macular degeneration, that can negatively affect you eye health and vision. However, lifestyle and diet can greatly influence your health, including minimizing diseases and maintaining your eye health. Here are some things you can do to optimize your eye health and wellness.
Your body is designed to be able to remove and eliminate harmful substances. But because we are all exposed to more toxins than in the history of mankind, you may want to support your body in it's ability to eliminate toxins. The first step is to eliminate toxins in your personal and household products. And of course, it's always best to eat organic and drink pure filtered water when possible. Here are some other things you can add to your daily routine for detoxing.
Animals that graze are able to eat grass and convert it into all the components they need for a healthy body. They can do this because they have multiple stomachs which allow them to process the grass in stages. Beef cattle that finish their lives in a feed lot without grass, are fed many pounds of grain and soy to make a single pound of meat. One of the reasons there is controversy about this practice is because the grains that are fed cows could be used to feed humans that are in need of food.