Optimize Your Eye Health
It may seem that failing vision is a natural part of aging.  There are also diseases like diabetes and macular degeneration, that can negatively affect you eye health and vision.  However, lifestyle and diet can greatly influence your health, including minimizing diseases and maintaining your eye health.   Here are some things you can do to optimize your eye health and wellness.

Healthy Fats

Eating too much saturated fat and unhealthy Omega 6 fats can lead to all kinds of health issues, including poor vision.  Omega 6 fats are known to cause inflammation and clog your arteries.  They are most commonly found in industrial processed oils like canola, sunflower, cottonseed and corn.  They are inexpensive to produce and are used widely in processed foods.  If you are eating a lot of processed foods, your ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 will be off and it will negatively impact your health, including the blood vessels in your eyes.

Screen Time

Given that many of us use our computers and/or our phones hours a day, you have probably experienced eye strain.  You may also experience this after you've watched a lot of television.  Blue light blocking glasses and taking breaks can help relieve the strain.  When you take a break from the screen, change your focal length so that your eyes can focus on something far away.  You may also be able to adjust your screen or phone to be so that it is in night light or blue light blocking mode.

Nutrition for Your Eyes

You can help maintain the health of your eyes by eating the foods that contain vitamins that are rich in antioxidants and support cardiovascular health.  Some of the vitamins that are known to affect eye health are vitamins C, E, A and the mineral zinc.  Your eyes also need carotenoids to protect and support them.  They naturally occur in yellow and orange foods like sweet potatoes, carrots and cantaloupe.  While you can take a supplement that contains the nutrients your eyes need, eating a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables gives your body a larger variety of antioxidants, carotenoids and minerals.

Eye Exercises

Eye exercises can help strengthen your eye muscles and reduce eye strain and ease eye movements.  One of the most basic ways to relax your eyes is to cup your palms over your closed eyes for 30 seconds.  For more of an exercise, you can trace a figure 8 turned on it's side about 10 feet in front of you.  Another basic exercise it to alternate looking right and left without moving your head.  When you are focused on a screen, you tend to not blink.  So stopping and blinking your eyes can help restore moisture to them.

Craniosacral Adjustment

Your vision can be affected by any compression in the bones surrounding your eye sockets.  Many massage therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, and chiropractors can do a craniosacral adjustment.  Another term for this is cranial sacral therapy.  Cranial sacral therapy can also be used to relieve compression along the spine and in the pelvis area.  It is thought to balance the cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system and often results in less stress and pain in the body.

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