It's common to think that if you develop a cavity, that the only solution is to have it filled. The truth is that your teeth are alive and you can heal them. The quality of your diet is directly related to your oral health, which in turn, affects your overall health. There have been studies, research and books written about oral health and reversing tooth decay. Here are some things you can do to keep your teeth strong and heal cavities naturally.
Root vegetables are the edible part of the plant that grows beneath the soil. They can be broken into five categories. Bulbs, like onion and leeks, grow in rings. Corms look like bulbs, but they do not grown in rings. Examples are taro, water chestnut and arrowhead.
Read more...Moringa comes from a plant known as the "Miracle Tree" or "Tree of Life" that is native to Africa or Asia. It also goes by the name horseradish or drumstick tree. It is considered a nutrient dense super food and is loaded with antioxidants and provides many health benefits.
Read more...Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance that is made by your liver. It is required by your body for the proper function of cells and nerves. It is also needed to balance your hormone levels. Although your body needs cholesterol, excess cholesterol can build up and form a fatty plaque on the walls of your arteries. This can decrease the flow of blood throughout your body.
Read more...Beets and beet greens are loaded with health benefits. Most beets taste better if you harvest them early when they are just 1-2 inches big. They are a root vegetable that is related to spinach and chard. If you don't like the taste of beets, consider adding them to a smoothie or use them in a desert recipe. You'll hardly know they're there and you'll get all the benefits of beets.