Health Benefits of Oats

Health Benefits of Oats
People have eaten oats for thousands of years.  They have also been fed to livestock.  They are a rich source of fiber and are a good plant based protein option.  Oats are considered gluten free since they aren't a type of barley, rye or wheat.  But because oats are sometimes grown near these other grains, they can become contaminated.  So if gluten is an issue for you, look for certified gluten free oats.  Here are some of the surprising health benefits of oats.


Childhood Allergies

Childhood Allergies
It more common for children to have allergies these days.  An allergy is the bodys' response to something it sees as an outside invader.  In many cases, avoiding the allergen is that best path.  That is why some pre-schools are nut-free.  And there are nut-free tables in children's cafeterias.  That is one type of allergy.  Childeren can develop a wide variety of allergies and for a variety of reasons.  Here is what you need to know about childhood allergies.

Hydrating Foods

Hydrating Foods
Keeping your body hydrated is important for your health for many reasons.  Your body uses fluids to keep your blood at the appropriate consistency.  It also uses fluids to remove toxins from your body.  Yet, a large percentage of people don't consume enough liquid to stay hydrated.  Worse yet, many people drink beverages that actually harm their health.  Unfortunately, the problem only gets worse as you age because your cells hold less water and the neurons in your brain become less sensitive to dehydration signals.  Here are are some healthy and hydrating foods that can help you out if you're not drinking enough fluid.


Food That Can Improve Your Mood

Food That Can Improve Your Mood
Eating a healthy diet isn't just about giving your body the nourishment it needs.  It is also about eating foods that support your mood so that your immune system functions well.  You may feel good while you eat salty chips or a sweet dessert, but that feeling most likely doesn't last.  In fact, you may feel worse later as your body tries to digest that food and your blood sugar levels spike and then drop.  Here are some healthy foods that can improve your mood.


Delicious Dates

Delicious Dates
Dates have been eaten in the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years.  They are a one-seeded fruit that comes from a date palm tree.  The date palm is grown in warm tropical climates, with Egypt being the largest producer.  There are over 2,000 varieties of dates, but only 2 are commonly found in stores in the United States.  These are the Medjool and Deglet Noor.  You can find more organic options on-line.  Here are some reasons you might want to consider adding delicious dates to your diet.

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