Benefits of Asparagus
If you are like most people, you are probably not eating as many vegetables as you should.  Asparagus deserves to be on your list of healthy vegetables that can pack a powerful nutritional punch.  It's easy to grow at home because it is a perennial and will come back each year on it's own.  It's also available fresh in stores in the spring and summer months.  Look for bright colored and firm stalks and tight closed tips.  If you're not cooking them right away, cut the bottom inch or two off and store upright in an inch or so of water.  Here are the health benefits of asparagus.

Skin Health

The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in asparagus are good for your whole body.  But the silica in it is especially good for connective tissue and supporting the production of collagen.  The vitamins A and C in it can also increase collagen production.  As you age, your skin contains less collagen, so asparagus may help offset the process of aging.  You can steam asparagus, juice it, or use an extract directly on your skin.

Supports the Liver

Your liver plays an important role in helping remove toxins from your body.  If you eat a high fat diet, your liver may not be able to function properly.  Asparagus helps the liver to release fat cells and supports healthy organ function.  Asparagus is considered one of the most powerful liver-healing foods.

Gut Health

Asparagus is a prebiotic which means it helps feed the good bacteria in your gut.  A healthy gut environment makes it easier for you to digest food and get the maximum nutrition from what you eat.  The soluble fiber in asparagus is great for helping to keep you regular.

Healthy Weight

Because asparagus is high in fiber and contains a lot of water, it can be part of a healthy weight plan.  It is low in calories as long as you don't eat it with a rich sauce or lots of butter.  The fiber in it will also help you feel full longer.  And it's easy to consume because you can add it to things like salads, omelets and stir fries.

Cardiovascular System Support

Asparagus can help support your cardiovascular system in a couple of different ways.  It contains the mineral potassium which may help lower your blood pressure.  In addition, some animal research showed that it may contain an active compound that can dialate your blood vessels, which can also lower blood pressure.  The antioxidants in it help protect your cells against damage and can also reduce inflammation.

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