Delicious Dates
Dates have been eaten in the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years.  They are a one-seeded fruit that comes from a date palm tree.  The date palm is grown in warm tropical climates, with Egypt being the largest producer.  There are over 2,000 varieties of dates, but only 2 are commonly found in stores in the United States.  These are the Medjool and Deglet Noor.  You can find more organic options on-line.  Here are some reasons you might want to consider adding delicious dates to your diet.

Nutrient Dense

Dates are nutrient and calorie dense.  They are rich in antioxidants and bioactive plants compounds.  They contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals and can also be beneficial to you because of the fiber they contain.  One date contains approximately 70 calories.  This means they provide a lot of energy, but eating too many may cause you to gain weight.

Sugar Substitute

Even though dates are very sweet, they will not spike your blood sugar.  This makes them a great sugar substitute.  You can use them in recipes in the form of date sugar, date paste, or date syrup.  If you start with whole dates, make sure you remove the pit.  You can then chop them up and add them as a topping to oatmeal or salads.  Or make a paste that can be used as a sweetener in energy balls or baked goods.

Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory

Many health conditions are caused by inflammation.  So eating dates, and other foods that are anti-inflammatory, can be helpful in supporting your health.  There have been laboratory studies that have shown that date extract, can be helpful in treating some bacteria, fungi, and viruses.


If you are like most people, your body is constantly exposed to free radicals that can damage your cells.  Eating foods rich in antioxidants, like dates, can help protect your cells from damage.  Some laboratory studies have shown that dates also have the ability to reduce cellular mutations that can be caused by exposure to bacteria.

Heart Health

One study looked at the impacts of eating Hawiaan and Medjool date varieties on heart health.   The results showed that eating dates had a positive impact on triglycerides and oxidative stress.  Despite the high sugar levels found in dates, the study showed that they don't negatively impact blood sugar levels and can actually prevent plaque build-up in arteries.  This means they can positively impact your heart health.

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