Boost Your Energy Naturally
If your energy level isn't where you'd  like it to be, the first thing to do is to rule out any kind of illness.  The second step is to make sure you are getting a good night of rest regularly.  If you are good with both of those things, don't turn to caffeine, energy drinks, or sugar.  Here are some things you can do to boost your energy naturally.


You will feel more energized after some movement.  Movement helps your heart and lungs deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells in your body.  Movement can be anything you enjoy.  This is the key to developing a habit that is sustainable.  Gardening, dancing, walking, rebounding, and biking are examples of easy ways you can boost your energy naturally and support your wellness.

Stay Hydrated

One of the symtoms of dehydration is being tired and low energy.  Your body needs liquid to be able to rid itself of toxins and keep your metabolism strong.  If you're not a fan of filtered water, you can drink herbal teas, fruit infused water, or eat foods that contain water.  Examples are watermelon, celery, oatmeal, and citrus fruits.  Drinking vegetable juice is another easy way to stay hydrated.  Plus your body will benefit from the vitamins and minerals in the juice.

Balanced Blood Sugar

You will feel a drop in energy if your blood sugar increases and then drops back to a normal level.  Sugar and quick digesting carbs are the most common reason why your blood sugar may spike.  If you are going to consume them, it's best to have them after a high protein food that can slow the flow of sugar into your bloodstream.  Foods that can provide your body with a stready stream of energy include legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Essential Oils

Inhaling essential oils may help energize you because some them are very uplifting.  You can add some to your shower, use them in a diffuser, or just open the bottle and breathe deep.  The most common essential oils to use for increased energy are peppermint, spearmint, rosemary, and eucalyptus.   You'll get the most benefit from pure, undiluted, and lab tested essential oils.

Adaptogenic Herbs

Adaptogenic herbs have been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions because they help the body cope with fatigue, stress, hormone balance, and anxiety.  They don't target a specific body part, they support your overall wellness.  Ashwagandha, maca root, and holy basil are some of the most commonly used.  You can also find supplements that combine these adaptaogenic herbs with others like ginseng and rhodiola.
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