Natural Seasonal Allergy Support
If you have seasonal allergies, you may experience symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, coughing, and watery eyes.  Most people experience seasonal allergies in the spring as plants, trees, and grasses start growing again.  But you may also experience them if you visit a new location with different vegetation.  Here are some things you can try for natural seasonal allergy support.

Nose Wash

One way that irritants can get into your body is through your nose.  The two most common ways to treat allergies in the nose is to use a natural nose spray or a neti pot.  You can buy natural nose sprays that contain things like bee propolis, manuka honey, and saline solution.  Or you can make your own solution with kosher salt and baking soda.  Using a neti pot completely cleans out your nasal cavity because you are actually running a saline solution in one nostril and it comes out the other.  Both techniques help moisturize your nasal cavity and can be useful anytime you have nasal congetstion.

Essential Oils

Inhaling plant based essential oils may help reduce inflammation and calm your body's reaction to irritants.  Common ways to use essential oils are in the bath/shower, diffusing, and inhaling directly from the bottle.  The quality of the oil can affect how much success you have using essential oils for allergies.  You may waste your money if you use a poor quality oil.  Everyone is different, so you may want to try several types of essential oil.  The most common oils used for allergies are lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree.  You can also make, or buy, a blend.

Strengthen Your Immune System

Strengthening your immune system may help you reduce your allergy symptoms, and possibly elminate them all together.  70% of your body's immune response comes from your gut microbiome.  Your immune response is what tells your body whether a particle is safe or is an invader, and needs to be eliminated.  You can support your gut microbiome by eating a healthy diet and supplementing with a high quality probiotic.  Taking other immune system supporting supplements like vitamin C, zinc, and quercitin, may also help.

Local Honey

Eating local honey helps some people become less sensitive to seasonal allergies.  The thought is that the honey may contain small amounts of the pollen that may be causing your symptoms.  If you go to a local honey shop, the owner will know of other bee products that have helped others in your area.


Homeopathics are based on the idea that taking a microscopic amount of the thing that is causing your symptoms, can signal your body to treat or heal the condition.  They are all natural and are considered safe with no side effects.  They come in tasteless pellets or liquid.  For sprains and other soreness, there are homeopathic creams.  Going to your local health food store to purchase an allergy homeopathic is a great way to find out what is working the best for your area.  Seeing a trained homeopath is another great option.

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