Food That Can Improve Your Mood
Eating a healthy diet isn't just about giving your body the nourishment it needs.  It is also about eating foods that support your mood so that your immune system functions well.  You may feel good while you eat salty chips or a sweet dessert, but that feeling most likely doesn't last.  In fact, you may feel worse later as your body tries to digest that food and your blood sugar levels spike and then drop.  Here are some healthy foods that can improve your mood.

Wild Caught Salmon

Wild caught salmon is not only good for your health, it is beneficial for your brain and can boost your mood.   One of the reasons is because it contains double the daily recommended amount of vitamin B12.  And vitamin B12 is important for fighting depression and staying mentally healthy.  The essential fatty acids in salmon also can stabalize your mood.  They do this by supporting your brain so that it can produce the healthy chemicals, like serotonin, that you need to feel good.


Research shows that eating a small amount of nuts can help reduce the risk of depression.  Nuts are high in calories, so eating a small amount is important if you want to maintain a healthy weight.  And it's best to eat them raw, or roast them yourself, so that you avoid the unhealthy additives that many manufacturs use.  Different nuts contain different amino acids that can boost your mood.  Cashews are high in tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin.  Walnuts, almonds, and pistachios, contain phenolic acid which can balance your response to stress and reduce the chances of depression.


Grapes are a powerful fruit that contain antioxidants that help your body reduce the damage caused by free radicals.  The antioxidants also positively affect your mood.  Grapes are also anti-inflammatory which can support your immune system and your mood.


Avocados are natural hormone balancers and help your brain produce the right balance of chemicals to keep it healthy and support your mood.  They are a good source of B vitamins, which can help reduce anxiety and stress.  They also contain magnesium which is used by over 3oo chemical reactions in your body.  Low magnesium is thought to contribute to a greater risk of depression.


Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are rich in antioxidants that can support your mood, in addition to protecting your cells from damange.  These berries are also anti-inflammatory, which means they can help keep your brain healthy and producing the perfect balance of hormones that will support your mood.  The vitamin C in them is important for the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin.  They are also high in fiber which can help to keep your blood sugar level balanced and prevent mood swings.

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