Best Foods for Healthy Skin
There are many reasons for you to eat a healthy diet such as maintaining a healthy weight, balanced blood sugar, and stronger immunity.  The foods you eat also affect your skin and it's appearance.  This is because the nutrients in food can help protect your skin, encourage cell turnover, and help create new healthy skin cells.  Here are some of the best foods for healthy skin.


Blueberries are rich in antioxidants which means they can help minimize the routine damage that can be done by free radicals.  Even if you avoid processed foods and toxic household and body care products, you may still be exposed to free radicals in the air you breathe and from other environmental factors.  Your body does make some of it's own antioxidants, but  you can add more by adding antioxidant rich foods like blueberries.


Watermelons are 92% water, which can help you stay hydrated and will benefit your skin.  They also contain a powerful phytonutrient and antionidant named lycopene.  Lycopene is the pigment that gives red and pink fruits their color.  Watermelon contains apx 40% more lycopene than raw tomatoes.  It also contain other nutrients that your body needs, yet it is low in calories.

Wild Salmon

The omega-3 fats in wild salmon have many health benefits, including lowering inflammation which can benefit your skin.  It is rich in vitamin B12 and selenium which benefits your body in many ways.  It also contains a good amount of vitamin D which supports your bone health.


Broccoli contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for your skin health.  It also contains a powerful compound called sulforaphane.  Sulphoraphane has been studied for it's   antioxidant power and it's ability to protect your skin against sun damage.  There's also evidence that sulphoraphanes may help maintain healthy collegen levels in your skin.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a great source of fiber which can help keep your gut healthy and support the removal of toxins.  In addtion, they hold a lot of moisture when exposed to liquid that can help keep you and your skin stay hydrated.  Chia seeds are also an excellent source of antioxidants, plant based protein, and healthy omega-3 fats.
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