Support Your Sinuses

Support Your Sinuses
Your sinuses are air filled cavities that are located behind your forehead, eyes, cheeks, and nasal bones.  Healthy sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucous and tiny hairs that trap germs, dust and other things in the air.  The sinuses can become inflamed due to allergies, bacteria, fungus or viruses.  The inflammation in the sinuses can result in a sinus infection that can be difficult to treat.  Many people use antibiotics to get rid of a sinus infection.  But there are natural things you can do to avoid developing an infection and support your sinuses.

Natural Seasonal Symptom Relief

Natural Seasonal Symptom Relief
Your body may respond with cold like symptoms when it is exposed to things like mold, pollen, pet dander and dust.   If this happens, it is because your body sees those things as invaders and it responds the same way that it would to a cold or flu virus.  Your body may try to get rid of the invader with mucous, coughing, and watery eyes.  For some people, their body reacts so strongly, that medical intervention is needed.  Here are some things to try for natural seasonal symptom relief.


Benefits of Energy Healing

Benefits of Energy Healing
Directing your life energy (qi) can have a profound positive affect on your mental and physical well being.  Ancient traditions have used energy healing for thousands of years.   Everyone has the ability to direct their life energy because you are made up of pure energy.  Another aspect of your energy is your frequency.  Your frequency is higher when you are joyful and well.  You've probably noticed that your energy, or frequency, changes depending on the energy of the people you are with.  Here are some easy ways you can enjoy the benefits of energy healing.


5 Herbs to Add to Your Diet

5 Herbs to Add to Your Diet
Cooking with fresh herbs benefits you in two ways.  You're food will taste amazing and some herbs are highly beneficial for your health.  You can plant and grow your own organic herbs in pots on your deck.  Or you can grown them indoors.   If you're worried about the plants getting enough light, there are lots of indoor growing kits that come with everything you need, including lights.  Here are 5 herbs to add do your diet for health and flavor.

Sneak in Some Fitness

Sneak in Some Fitness
Moving your body is very important for your physical and emotional wellness.  Your body's lymphatic system depends on movement so that it can clear toxins out of your body.  And of course, movement helps you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight.  If you're not ready for the gym, a run, or a workout video, here are some clever ways to sneak in some fitness.

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