5 Little Known Bee Pollen Facts
Bees collect pollen from plants and mix it with a small dose of secretion from their salivary glands, or with nectar.  The pollen is then placed on their back or their hind legs.   When the bee returns to the hive, it packs the pollen in honeycomb cells.  The surface of the collected pollen is covered with a thin layer of honey and wax, creating what is known as  “bee bread.”   The bee bread serves as the basic protein source for the bee colony.  It also an amazing food for humans because of the range of antioxidants, amino acids and micro-nutrients found in the pollen.  The easiest way to eat it is to grind it and mix it with foods or add it to a smoothie.  Here are 5 little known bee pollen facts.

Nutritional Powerhouse

Bee pollen contains over 100 different that can help your thrive.  It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, and enzymes.  It is also loaded with antioxidants, amino acids and other powerful micro-nutrients.  Bee pollen contains more protein than any animal source and more amino acids than an equal weight of eggs or beef.  It has been studied for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties.  The amino acids in bee pollen have been found to help increase the metabolism of the body and aid in the dissolving of fat cells.

Promotes Healing

Bee pollen can be used as a topical ointment to speed up the healing process caused by an injury.  It’s especially useful as a home remedy for burn relief.  It can help to decreases inflammation and swelling.  It can also improve blood circulation in the vessels and moisten the skin. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of flavonoids in bee pollen helps relieve pain   Pollen can also help prevent infection because of its antimicrobial activity.  Because pollen is a great source of many vitamins and minerals, it can also help keep your skin look younger.  It stimulates blood supply to all skin cells, helps detoxify the body, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and speeds up the healing process.

Allergy Relief

Bee pollen is a wonderful solution for natural allergy relief.  It is responsible for the many health benefits of  consuming local raw honey.  The thinking is if you're consuming pollen/honey from a plant species that you’re allergic to, it may help desensitize you.  Because the pollen grains are collected from many different types of plants, bee pollen varies in shape, color, and nutritional content.   Same is true for honey.

Helps Relieve Stress

Bee pollen is thought to improve blood supply to nervous tissue.  This helps boost mental capacity and strengthens the nervous system that may be weakened by stress.  It also works to improve everything going on inside your body.  So the effects of physical and/or emotional stress are minimized.  The B vitamins in bee pollen can help combat against depression, which can contribute to mental fatigue and o poor concentration.

Improves Energy

Bee pollen has be found to be useful for people with a lack of energy, especially the elderly. Even small doses of bee pollen over an extended period of time has been shown to improve mood and physical endurance.  This may be due to the fact that it contains all 22 essential amino acids which makes it a complete protein.  And about half of the amino acids are in a form that easily absorbed and available for use by your  body immediately.

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