5 Tips for Glowing Healthy Skin
Your skin is the largest organ that serves as a protective layer and performs essential tasks for your body.  The health of your skin is essential not only for your looks but for your overall health.  Its appearance is determined by your diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors.  Your skin  cells are constantly renewing and being replaced by new ones every 28 days.  Old, dead skin cells shed without you noticing, and new ones appear.  If you treat your skin and body right, this renewal process helps heal inflammation, pimples, scars, and other skin issues.  You will be rewarded with glowing healthy skin.

Exercises for Your Face

There are facial exercises and massages that you can do to exercise the 50 plus muscles in your face.  If you are like most people, you tend to use the same subset of muscles.  The exercises promote the circulation of blood to the different areas of your face, and replenish the oxygen supply in the muscles and the skin.  The extra nutrients that are delivered to you skin cells can lead to cell regeneration and prevention of wrinkles.  Exercising your facial muscles can also release any tension in your face and neck.
Facial yoga is different than facial exercises in that it is focused on relaxing and toning the face.  It is intended to counteract the effects of strained facial expressions and leaves both the muscles and skin relaxed and rejuvenated.  An example of a facial yoga exercise is simply rubbing your hands together to warm them up before placing your palms over your closed eyes and leaving them there for at least a couple of minutes while you breathe deeply.  This will relieve any tension from the eye area.


What you eat can directly influence the appearance of your skin.  Eating a nutrient-dense, healthy diet, will rejuvenate your skin and give you a beautiful glow. However, if you are eating lots of processed foods and fried foods, your skin will likely suffer.  Make sure to avoid refined sugars and grains to reduce the risk of inflammatory damage to your skin and connective tissues.  Avoid bad fats, such as vegetable oils, and use good fats, such as avocados, coconut oil, grass-fed ghee or butter, olives, and extra virgin olive oil instead.  Healthy animal products, such as wild fish rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed meats, and free-range poultry are good sources of protein.  And don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of pure filtered water.  Your body will appreciate and it will help you have glowing healthy skin.

Natural Skin Care Products

Conventional skin and body products are filled with toxic chemicals.  When looking for skin and body care products, avoid chemicals such as  sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), paraben, phthalate, oxybenzone, and hydroquinone.  To stay safe and achieve the best results without toxic harm, choose organic, natural products or make your own products from natural ingredients.  You can check the safety of the products you are using on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database.  http://www.ewg.org › skindeep   The database only includes larger companies, but it also lists skin care ingredients and any concerns about it.  There are many smaller companies that make healthy all natural products.

Good Sleep and Reduce Stress

Getting a good night sleep and reducing stress is essential for your overall health.  You've probably seen the effects or poor sleep on the skin.  There tend to be bags under the eyes and the skin looses it's healthy glow.  Stress also plays an important role in the appearance of skin.  Your body will produce more cortisol and adrenaline than normal when it is under stress.  This will cause your skin to produce more oil of a thicker nature than usual.  This will most likely lead to acne.  Because your body thinks it is being chased by a tiger, blood flow will be directed to major muscles and not as much will be available for your skin.  The loss of circulation will result in dull and unhealthy looking skin.  Finally, stress can cause tension to be stored in your facial muscles which can lead to wrinkles.

Safe Sun Exposure

Getting too much sun can make the skin around your eyes sag and wrinkle as well as cause dehydration of the skin.  Yet it's important to get some sun exposure.  Your skin uses sunlight to create vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin for your overall health.  Spending time outside in the sun is also a great way to reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and decrease inflammation in your body.  And lowering inflammation is crucial to rejuvenating your skin.  So get some sun, but avoid the mid-day sun.  If you are going to be out longer than what is safe for your skin, cover-up and/or use a natural sunscreen that is safe enough to eat.  Because what you put on your skin, goes straight into your body.

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Email:  sharonledwards@hotmail.com
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