There are many reasons why you may find yourself eating more than you should. It could be hormone related. Or you may eat more because you are stressed or anxious. Or you may just like the taste and comfort of what you are eating. Additionally, some foods actually make you more hungry. If you’re eating foods with little to no nutritional value, particularly sugary foods, refined carbohydrates (like white bread and pasta) and artificial sweeteners, your blood sugar levels are likely to spike up, leaving you feeling hungry sooner. Additionally, sugar activates the brain in a way unlike other foods, keeping it from feeling full. Here are some tips that may help you curb your hunger.
Eat Different Tastes
Taste is assigned a much deeper significance in Ayurveda than most other cultures. It is considered critically important in determining the effect that various foods, spices, and therapeutic herbs, have on our state of balance. Ayurveda recognizes six tastes, each of which has a vital role to play in our physiology, health, and well being. An Ayurvedic diet combines all six tastes in every meal. If you eat homemade fresh foods and consume sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes in every meal, you may find yourself more present and eating less. Examples of pungent foods are hot peppers and onions. Bitter foods include turmeric and dandelion greens. Pomegranate and parsley are examples of two astringent foods.
Filling Foods
You have probably noticed that some foods make you feel full for a longer amount of time. Dr. Susanne Holt at the University of Sydney developed a “Satiety Index”. It was developed by having students come in the morning and eat 240-calorie portions of a specific food. Then they rated their feelings of hunger every 15 minutes. Eating foods that make you feel full for a longer amount of time, will result in you eating less. Turns out potatoes are one of the most satisfying and filling foods you can eat. She also found that high fat foods tend to stimulate cravings for more of the same. Protein rich foods came in second in terms of satiety. This includes cheese, eggs, beans, meat and fish.
Stay Hydrated
When you do not drink enough hydrating liquids, your body may send a message that you are hungry instead of thirsty. In other words dehydration can cause you to believe you need to eat when you really need liquid intake. So please be sure to drinks lots pure filtered water and herbal teas. You can also try consuming a large amount of water, or carbonated water, approximately 15 minutes before a meal. This can help curb your hunger and eat less.
Resistant Starch
Much like protein, resistant starch can also help you curb your hunger. Eating resistant starch creates a coating around the intestines that steadies blood sugar and delays food being absorbed. Not only that, resistant starch, also known as prebiotics, feeds your healthy gut bacteria. Some common examples of resistant starches are beans and legumes, starchy fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Some foods become resistant starch after they are cooked and the cooled such as potatoes and rice. Raw Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion greens, onions, raw jicama and under ripe bananas are also resistant starches.
Healthy Snacks
If your hunger and cravings are out of control, you should feel free to experiment with how often you eat. A few more frequent meals may help you curb your hunger. Consider consuming healthy snacks raw vegetables with a yogurt dip or hummus, unsweetened yogurt with some fresh berries, tomatoes with mozzarella cheese, a protein bar or shake, low sugar smoothie, organic jerky, and olives.
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Eating a variety of healthy fruits can help you meet your vitamin and mineral needs It can even help you loose weight. These fruits can also help you achieve better health, prevent chronic disease, and improve the way you feel day in and day out. Plus they are thought to be anti-aging. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, adding a few of these potent fruits into your day can benefit many different aspects of your health. More and more studies continue to emerge, evaluating the powerful effects that food can have on health. Here are some lesser known healthy fruits that are nutritional powerhouses.
Goji Berries
Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, have been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. They been credited with improving energy and longevity. With up to 12 times the antioxidant levels of blueberries, it’s no wonder these berries top the charts as one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods for men and women. They are also loaded with nutrients that may help prevent eye disease, protect against skin damage and inhibit other disease processes. You can often find goji berries in dried or powder form at many grocery stores. If you are taking any medications, talk to your doctor before consuming goji berries.
Acai Berries
Acai berries are high in antioxidants and health-promoting properties. They contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to its growing popularity, acai powder is widely available at health stores and can be mixed into smoothies or used to make a nourishing acai bowl.
Aronia Berries
Arnoia berries are a type of chokeberry. Like the other fruits in this article, they are rich in plant antioxidants, which offer many health-promoting properties. The are low in calories, but high in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese. The high amount of antioxidants in them help support the immune and cardiovascular systems. They are tart and have a strong mouth-drying affect. So the easiest way to incorporate them into your diet is either n a capsule or as a powder that can be added to smoothie or other juice.
Pomegranates are one of the oldest known medicinal foods on the planet. They are loaded with nutrition and are particularly abundant in vitamin C, potassium, & pantothenic acid (B5). In addition, it is a food that contains some of the largest amounts of anti-oxidants. It's antioxidant capacity (ORAC) is 2,860 units per 100 grams which puts it ahead of blueberries, blackberries and acai.
Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit is also known as dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruit, and pitahaya or pitaya, It is tropical fruit that can do a lot for your health. Dragon fruit is thought to be helpful for slowing down signs of aging, supporting the immune system and helping keep blood sugar levels balanced. It is low in calories, and is a great source of dietary fiber, magnesium and riboflavin. And if that isn't enough, it's actually a prebiotic which feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Dragon fruit has become popular recently and so it can be found fresh, or as a frozen smoothie starter, in most grocery stores
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Silver has been used for at least six thousand years to prevent microbial infections. In the past, there was controversy about the safety and effectiveness of using tiny silver particles in and on the human body. But in the 1990s, manufacturers began adding silver nanoparticles to many products to enhance their antibacterial and anti-odor properties. Examples include clothes, towels, undergarments, socks, toothpaste and soft toys. Nanoparticles are ultra-small particles, ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers in diameter—too small to see even with a microscope. Here are some health benefits of tiny silver particles.
Treat Skin Conditions
The products that contain silver nanoparticles are most commonly called colloidal silver. Colloidal silver may benefit many skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema. It’s soothing to scrapes and even helps repair tissue damage from burns. You can find many products on that contain colloidal silver and say they are good for things like wound care, severe burns, acne and skin problems.
Research has shown that tiny silver particles are antibacterial. And it doesn’t create resistance or immunity in the organisms that are killed by it. This means there won't ever be silver resistant bacteria, which makes it a powerful tool for wellness. It also does not disturb your healthy gut flora, which is so important to you overall wellness. Silver also appears to be effective at limiting the growth of some yeast and fungal strains.
You may be even more excited to hear that colloidal silver seems to be effective against the common cold and the flu. Research has found that silver nanoparticles can prevent replication of some viral infections. Other research has found that colloidal silver can interfere with the replication mechanism of HIV. it could also be effective for treating herpes simplex virus and Hepatitis B.
There have been studies done on animals that showed that colloidal silver has potent anti-inflammatory abilities. It works fast to reduce swelling, and helps to repair inflammation either on the skin or in the body. If you are looking for additional research and reference points, here is a good article by Dr Josh Axe and one by Dr Jockers.
Toxic to Cancer Cells
There is still controversy about whether tiny silver particles are helpful in treating cancer. But there has been a study that showed that particular silver compounds are toxic to cancer cells. Research is on-going to see if it can be used as a viable alternative for cancer treatment.
The general recommendation is that colloidal silver should not be taken for more than 14 days in a row. And as always, consult with a medical professional if you pregnant, have a serious health issue, or are on medication.
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Your skin is the largest organ that serves as a protective layer and performs essential tasks for your body. The health of your skin is essential not only for your looks but for your overall health. Its appearance is determined by your diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Your skin cells are constantly renewing and being replaced by new ones every 28 days. Old, dead skin cells shed without you noticing, and new ones appear. If you treat your skin and body right, this renewal process helps heal inflammation, pimples, scars, and other skin issues. You will be rewarded with glowing healthy skin.
Exercises for Your Face
There are facial exercises and massages that you can do to exercise the 50 plus muscles in your face. If you are like most people, you tend to use the same subset of muscles. The exercises promote the circulation of blood to the different areas of your face, and replenish the oxygen supply in the muscles and the skin. The extra nutrients that are delivered to you skin cells can lead to cell regeneration and prevention of wrinkles. Exercising your facial muscles can also release any tension in your face and neck.
Facial yoga is different than facial exercises in that it is focused on relaxing and toning the face. It is intended to counteract the effects of strained facial expressions and leaves both the muscles and skin relaxed and rejuvenated. An example of a facial yoga exercise is simply rubbing your hands together to warm them up before placing your palms over your closed eyes and leaving them there for at least a couple of minutes while you breathe deeply. This will relieve any tension from the eye area.
What you eat can directly influence the appearance of your skin. Eating a nutrient-dense, healthy diet, will rejuvenate your skin and give you a beautiful glow. However, if you are eating lots of processed foods and fried foods, your skin will likely suffer. Make sure to avoid refined sugars and grains to reduce the risk of inflammatory damage to your skin and connective tissues. Avoid bad fats, such as vegetable oils, and use good fats, such as avocados, coconut oil, grass-fed ghee or butter, olives, and extra virgin olive oil instead. Healthy animal products, such as wild fish rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed meats, and free-range poultry are good sources of protein. And don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of pure filtered water. Your body will appreciate and it will help you have glowing healthy skin.
Natural Skin Care Products
Conventional skin and body products are filled with toxic chemicals. When looking for skin and body care products, avoid chemicals such as sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), paraben, phthalate, oxybenzone, and hydroquinone. To stay safe and achieve the best results without toxic harm, choose organic, natural products or make your own products from natural ingredients. You can check the safety of the products you are using on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database. › skindeep The database only includes larger companies, but it also lists skin care ingredients and any concerns about it. There are many smaller companies that make healthy all natural products.
Good Sleep and Reduce Stress
Getting a good night sleep and reducing stress is essential for your overall health. You've probably seen the effects or poor sleep on the skin. There tend to be bags under the eyes and the skin looses it's healthy glow. Stress also plays an important role in the appearance of skin. Your body will produce more cortisol and adrenaline than normal when it is under stress. This will cause your skin to produce more oil of a thicker nature than usual. This will most likely lead to acne. Because your body thinks it is being chased by a tiger, blood flow will be directed to major muscles and not as much will be available for your skin. The loss of circulation will result in dull and unhealthy looking skin. Finally, stress can cause tension to be stored in your facial muscles which can lead to wrinkles.
Safe Sun Exposure
Getting too much sun can make the skin around your eyes sag and wrinkle as well as cause dehydration of the skin. Yet it's important to get some sun exposure. Your skin uses sunlight to create vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin for your overall health. Spending time outside in the sun is also a great way to reduce stress, lower cortisol levels, and decrease inflammation in your body. And lowering inflammation is crucial to rejuvenating your skin. So get some sun, but avoid the mid-day sun. If you are going to be out longer than what is safe for your skin, cover-up and/or use a natural sunscreen that is safe enough to eat. Because what you put on your skin, goes straight into your body.
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Bees collect pollen from plants and mix it with a small dose of secretion from their salivary glands, or with nectar. The pollen is then placed on their back or their hind legs. When the bee returns to the hive, it packs the pollen in honeycomb cells. The surface of the collected pollen is covered with a thin layer of honey and wax, creating what is known as “bee bread.” The bee bread serves as the basic protein source for the bee colony. It also an amazing food for humans because of the range of antioxidants, amino acids and micro-nutrients found in the pollen. The easiest way to eat it is to grind it and mix it with foods or add it to a smoothie. Here are 5 little known bee pollen facts.
Nutritional Powerhouse
Bee pollen contains over 100 different that can help your thrive. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, and enzymes. It is also loaded with antioxidants, amino acids and other powerful micro-nutrients. Bee pollen contains more protein than any animal source and more amino acids than an equal weight of eggs or beef. It has been studied for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. The amino acids in bee pollen have been found to help increase the metabolism of the body and aid in the dissolving of fat cells.
Promotes Healing
Bee pollen can be used as a topical ointment to speed up the healing process caused by an injury. It’s especially useful as a home remedy for burn relief. It can help to decreases inflammation and swelling. It can also improve blood circulation in the vessels and moisten the skin. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of flavonoids in bee pollen helps relieve pain Pollen can also help prevent infection because of its antimicrobial activity. Because pollen is a great source of many vitamins and minerals, it can also help keep your skin look younger. It stimulates blood supply to all skin cells, helps detoxify the body, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and speeds up the healing process.
Allergy Relief
Bee pollen is a wonderful solution for natural allergy relief. It is responsible for the many health benefits of consuming local raw honey. The thinking is if you're consuming pollen/honey from a plant species that you’re allergic to, it may help desensitize you. Because the pollen grains are collected from many different types of plants, bee pollen varies in shape, color, and nutritional content. Same is true for honey.
Helps Relieve Stress
Bee pollen is thought to improve blood supply to nervous tissue. This helps boost mental capacity and strengthens the nervous system that may be weakened by stress. It also works to improve everything going on inside your body. So the effects of physical and/or emotional stress are minimized. The B vitamins in bee pollen can help combat against depression, which can contribute to mental fatigue and o poor concentration.
Improves Energy
Bee pollen has be found to be useful for people with a lack of energy, especially the elderly. Even small doses of bee pollen over an extended period of time has been shown to improve mood and physical endurance. This may be due to the fact that it contains all 22 essential amino acids which makes it a complete protein. And about half of the amino acids are in a form that easily absorbed and available for use by your body immediately.
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