The health of your stomach is critical to your overall wellness. Your digestion determines how much nutrition you will get from the foods you eat. The health of your gut lining determines what gets into your blood stream. And the balance of good and bad bacteria in your stomach impacts many of the most important hormones that regulate major body processes. Keep reading to to learn more about digestion and hormone balance.
Appetite Hormones
An imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your stomach, can allow unhealthy bacteria to change your levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin. These two hormones are responsible for sending messages to the brain that you are hungry (ghrelin) and that you are full (leptin). In addition, an imbalance in bacteria in the stomach can impact the foods you crave and your taste receptors. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can actually improve your production and regulation of key hormones like ghrelin and leptin.
Thyroid Hormones
Part of your conversion of thyroid hormones occurs in your stomach. If you stomach is unhealthy, it may negatively impact the thryoid hormone conversion process. We carry approximately four pounds of healthy bacteria in our colons. These bacteria serve many functions, one of which is to convert T4 thyroid hormone to T3. If your diet is poor and causes your digestive function to weaken, an overabundance of bad bacteria will occur. The crowding out the beneficial bacteria by the bad bacteria will slow thyroid hormone conversion.
A distressed digestive tract will prompt the adrenals to release cortisol. Cortisol is a progesterone blocker at the cell level. The end result is that you may have too much estrogen. Another way that the stomach impacts hormone balance is through a subset of the gut bacteria that helps metabolize estrogen. These estrogen metabolites enter your blood stream where the liver is ultimately responsible for their removal.
The healthier your gut function, the more stable your blood glucose stays. With stable blood glucose, the less you will crave sugar and the less insulin you will release. On the flip-side, an unhealthy gut can predispose you to insulin resistance. When your energy cycle doesn’t work properly, it reduces your ability to burn fat. Finally, if you have a lack of beneficial probiotic bacteria lining your intestinal wall, you’re more susceptible to hormonal problems, including diabetes and obesity.
Sleep and Mood Hormones
Around 80-90% of serotonin (your happiness hormone) and melatonin (which induces sleep) are made in your stomach. Serotonin affects emotional processing, which can have significant effects on mood. Your stomach contains the majority of your body’s serotonin. It’s released when food enters the small intestine, where it helps to stimulate contractions that push food through your intestines. Deficiencies in melatonin have been linked to increased permeability of the gut and poor gut health. Not only will poor gut health inhibit the absorption of nutrients needed to make sleep chemicals in the body, but it can also damage the very tissues in the gut that produce these chemicals.
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The eyes are especially susceptible to lifestyle and environmental stressors. They have a higher level of oxidative stress and free radical activity than any other organ. Vision loss and eye disorders, are all ultimately caused by the process of oxidative damage. Oxidative damage can cause problems with blood reaching the eyes. Antioxidants protect healthy cells in the eyes, and reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation is is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, poor brain health, and vision problems. Living a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, good sleep, drinking plenty of pure water, minimal stress, and a healthy diet goes a long way towards overall good health, and supports eye health as well. Here are some other things you can do to keep your eyes healthy.
Eye Protection
You can physically protect your eyes by wearing safety goggles during home improvement projects and contact sports, and water goggles when swimming. Wearing anti-glare sunglasses outside midday during times of peak UV intensity is important, even in the winter if it’s sunny outside. Wearing blue light blocking glasses is helpful if you are spending a lot of time using computer monitors, tablet screens, and your smartphone. Spending too much time on the screens of your devices is incredibly tiring for your eyes. Other sources of blue light include fluorescent light, LED light, and flat screen LED televisions. Research has shown that blue light may have long-term negative effects, including premature aging of your eyes. Besides blue light blocking glasses, you might want to consider using full-spectrum bulbs during the day. In addition, there are light bulbs that are designed to not disturb your sleep. These are especially helpful in lamps used for reading.
Rest Your Eyes
If you work in front of a computer screen or spend a lot of time reading, give your eyes frequent breaks. Look up from the computer or whatever you’re reading at least once every 15 minutes. Blink frequently, particularly when looking at computer or phone screens to keep your eyes moist. Let your eyes focus on something that is at a different distance. For example, focus on a tree outside the window for at least 30 seconds. This adjustment in focus and relief from close screens or reading gives your eyes a break and can reduce eye strain.
Appropriate Lighting
Eye strain and fatigue can also be caused when lighting conditions are not ideal. Whether it’s too bright or too dim, your eyes may need to strain to see properly. To keep your eyes healthy, keep light brightness and placement in a range that allows you to have your eyes comfortably open without them squinting or watering.
Vision Exercises
To keep your eyes healthy, you may want to exercise the muscles in your eyes just like you do the rest of your body. When your eye muscles get weak due to overuse, you cannot see as clearly. Exercising your eyes is just like exercising your arms and legs. Your muscles will get stronger, you’ll have more stamina, and you’ll be less likely to develop further vision impairment due to eye strain.
An exercise call called palming, is simple and can help relieve eye strain and stress. Simply warm the palms of your hands up by rubbing them together, and place then over your eyes. You may find palming helpful during a break from screen time or the television. Another exercise involves changing your focus from near objects to far objects. Because it’s so easy, this exercise can be done anywhere. The figure 8 exercise involved looking about ten feet in front of your eyes and tracing the number eight laying it's side. Do this for two minutes and then reverse direction for two minutes. You my be surprised by how tired the muscles around your eyes get.
Healthy Diet and Supplements
Diabetes, heart disease and many other conditions that can lead to poor vision can improve with a healthy diet. Although dietary needs change depending on your particular health concern, diets high in vegetables and low in processed foods are fairly consistent recommendations. Most people should also minimize fatty meats, added sugar and simple carbohydrates, and foods that have limited nutritional value. Some of the foods that contain compounds known to support eye health are:
- Green leafy vegetables and eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin
- Citrus fruits and many vegetables contain vitamin C
- Eggs, cold-water fish, nuts and olive or flaxseed oils contain healthy Omega-3 fatty acids
- Green leafy vegetables, beef and legumes contain zinc
- Sweet potatoes and nuts contain vitamin E
If you want to make sure you are getting enough of the nutrients that support eye health, you can take a supplement. Studies have found various dietary supplements to help with eye health. However, not all eye problems can be prevented or improved with supplements.
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The pillow you rest your head on every night, may be negatively impacting your health. Foam is one of the most common synthetic fillings of pillows today. The attraction of these pillows is that they are able to mold to your body shape. The problem is that this foam is often made of polyurethane which can emit toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Another issue is that some manufacturers of foam pillows use industrial strength perfumes and deodorizers to mask the chemical odors coming from the foam. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), synthetic fragrances are a known health risk.
Another issue with many pillows is that can harbor fungal spores. In 2005, researchers in England reported that the average pillow contains millions of fungal spores, whether they were synthetic or feather. And if you have a weakened immune system, this could be causing you a problem. Here are some safe and healthy pillow options.
Organic Cotton
Organic cotton is grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals and is a sustainable crop. Cotton has a natural tendency of remaining cool in summers and warm and cozy in winters. It night sweats are an issue for you, cotton is excellent at moisture-wicking and will keep you dry and comfortable. Organic cotton filling with a tightly woven cotton case helps prevent the accumulation of dust mites, allergens, mold, pollen, etc. This makes an organic cotton pillow is a great hypoallergenic and breathable pillow option.
Organic Wool
Wool is resistant to mold, dust mites, mildew and other harmful microbes. And wool is a natural flame retardant. This means if you live in a humid place that receives very little sunlight – you should consider wool pillows. And if you have a fireplace to keep your warm, wool pillows will not be a fire hazard. Organic wool pillows are breathable and can regulate temperature making them a good choice year round.
Natural Latex
Natural latex pillows are usually made of 97% natural latex because latex is naturally a liquid, a curing filler is needed. Natural latex pillows offer support and comfort. But they do not have the sinking feeling that is common to memory foam bedding. They also keep you cool and well-ventilated to promote good sleep. Look for features such as venting for aeration and a 100% organic cotton cover which will make it moisture-wicking.
The Japanese have used buckwheat hull pillows for centuries. These pillows conform to the shape of your head. They are an excellent alternative for people allergic to other organic or synthetic materials. The hull helps air circulation that keeps you cool. Buckwheat pillows can easily be adjusted to your desired shape and firmness level. Make sure that the case is 100% organic cotton. This makes the entire pillow eco-friendly and ensures you'll sleep cool and dry. Add some aromatherapy benefits by sprinkling the hulls with your favorite food grade essential oil.
Kapok is a tropical tree that produces seed pods with silky cotton-like fibers. The fibers are separated from the seeds and used to stuff pillows, quilts and mattresses. Sometimes kapok fibers are mixed with latex to create pillows that feel like down-filled pillows. Kapok is hypoallergenic, mold resistant, water resistant, and quick drying. It also conforms to your anatomy, giving you the desired support and comfort. This makes it a great healthy pillow option.
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The primary function of your lungs is to bring in oxygen from the air and pass it into your bloodstream to be used by your cells and tissues. The cells convert the oxygen into carbon dioxide that is carried back to your lungs to be exhaled. Your lungs also play a role in balancing the pH of your body and they protect you from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Your lungs are lined with mucus and tiny-hair like projections, called cilia. The combination helps trap dust and other unwanted particles. The particles are removed from your body by either coughing or swallowing. If the particles are swallowed, they end up being broken down during digestion. Just like every other organ system in your body, your lungs require care and attention if you want them to function optimally. Here are some ways you can strengthen your lungs.
Just like every other system in your body, your respiratory system requires a specific set of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to function properly. Some of the nutrients directly involved in lung health include vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin A, selenium, zinc, and magnesium. Fruits and vegetables are natural sources for these nutrients. For example, apples have been studied for their role in slowing declining lung function. And the potassium in bananas has been shown to help the lungs expand and contract.
Sulforaphane is a plant compound that’s found in cruciferous vegetables, but it’s particularly high in broccoli sprouts. It’s a potent antioxidant. Lung tissue is particularly sensitive to damage from bacteria, viruses, pollution, and chemicals. There has been research that has looked at the positive affect of sulforaphane on lung disease.
Medicinal Plants
Moringa oleifera is a medicinal plant that’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for its healing properties. Along with its researched benefits for respiratory health, moringa is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger is another medicinal plant that’s been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. When it comes to lung health, it can help by relaxing the muscles of the airways. Licorice is one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. It is very soothing and softens the mucus membranes of the throat, and especially the lungs and stomach, and at the same time cleanses and provides immune system support. Compounds within licorice root are thought to help relieve bronchial spasms and block the free radical damage that causes inflammation and tightening of the air ways.
Essential Oils
Pure food grade essential oils can be profoundly healing when used correctly. Rosemary and eucalyptus essential oil both contain a bioactive compound called cineole which has been studied for it's anti-inflammatory properties, along with it's ability to dilate the bronchial tubes in the lungs and create mucus. All of these things are important for your lung health. Other essential oils that may support a respiratory system include lavender, frankincense, and myrrh, If you want to improve lung capacity for exercise, peppermint essential oil may be the oil for you. Research shows that when peppermint essential oil is added to water before a workout, it not only improves your respiratory rate, but it also relaxes bronchial muscles and increases oxygen to your brain. Plus it is incredibly uplifting.
Breathing Exercises
Like any muscle, the lungs will become stronger if they are exercised. Breathing exercises have the added benefit of increasing your oxygen intake. One breathing exercise is pursed lip breathing. It is done by breathing in through your nose, and then breathing out twice as long through your mouth while pursing your lips. This exercise keeps your airways open longer by reducing the number of breaths you take. Repeat this for five to ten minutes to strengthen your lungs. In this next exercise, use your fingers to partially close both of your nostrils to create a comfortable amount of resistance when you inhale. After the inhalation, release your fingers and exhale freely. Repeat 5 times.
Another type of breathing exercise is diaphragmatic breathing. With diaphragmatic breathing, begin by breathing in through your nose, and focus on filling your stomach up with air. You can tell if you're breathing deep enough by putting a hand on your stomach to see it rise and fall. To exhale, breathe out through your mouth two to three times as long as you did to inhale. Repeat for five to ten minutes.
Clean Air
Pollutants are particularly harmful to lung health. And the pollutants that can accumulate inside your home can be as bad, or worse than the environmental pollutants outside. Some of the common toxins found in the home are the typical commercial air fresheners, candles, all types of soaps, cleaning products, body care products, mold, dust, and dander. The best thing to do is to switch to safe and healthy non-toxic products and clean your home often to eliminate the chance for mold, dust, and dander to accumulate. If you live in an area with industrial air pollution, you might want to consider a high quality home air filter.
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Happiness can seem elusive if the circumstances in your life aren't pleasing to you. In spite of things not being the way you might want them, there are things you can do help yourself feel happier. Happiness is said to be contagious, as we can lift others up by demonstrating what joy is all about. A healthy diet leads to happiness by not only allowing you to avoid illnesses, but also by providing you with actual mood-boosting essential vitamins, trace minerals, healthy fats and more. In addition, to eating and drinking a wholesome and clean diet, here are more ways you can feel happier.
Focus on Acts of Kindness
Focusing on solving others’ problems is a great way to feel happier. Being of service to others has two important outcomes. It brings more happiness to the lives of those who we serve, and we also feel more positive and joyful ourselves when we help other people. This will help keep the focus off your own problems and will allow you to deal with any issues you are having better. There was a study done called "Happy People Become Happier through Kindness". It found that people became more happy and grateful by counting the acts of kindness they had performed. I'm sure you can think of people that had very little, but were a beacon of sunshine for the world. From a greeter at a store to well known people like Mother Theresa.
Have a Straight Back and Move your Body
Poor posture can lead to a bad mood and make you feel more stressed and depressed. Whether you're sitting, standing, or walking, you'll notice that you have more energy if your back is straight and your shoulders are back. Next, take a nice deep breath, and you may noticed your mood and outlook on life have improved.
Next, start doing whatever type of exercise you enjoy and can stick with for more than a few weeks. Whether that is walking, weight or resistance training, hiking, yoga, running, gardening, mini-trampoline, or Pilates. Whatever type of physical activity you prefer will have the added benefit of helping you feel happier. Studies have shown that physical activity causes your body to increase HGH and endorphins, which help to improve your mood and self-esteem. There’s also evidence that inactivity can result in increased unhappiness, while regularly exercising does the opposite.
Choose your Friends Wisely
Choose your friends, and what you spend your time listening to, carefully. Choose friends that are positive and will hold you accountable, are honest with you, and encourage you towards your goals and dreams. When you share your time with people that build you up and encourage you, then you can build lasting relationships, and these contribute directly to true happiness. Studies have shown that very happy people have highly satisfying relationships with friends, romantic partners and family members. Happy people also report more positive events and emotions in their daily lives relative to negative ones. So put your time and energy towards building meaningful deep relationships. And spend your time listening/watching/reading material that brings you joy. As the late Jim Rohn said: "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." I would add that your life and happiness are influenced by the quality and energy of the entertainment material you consume as well.
Encourage Others
Practice recognizing the best qualities that others around you have to offer. Show appreciation and respect for the good things that your family, coworkers, and friends do for you. Encourage others to pursue their dreams and give them reassurance that they can achieve their goals. While it may seem that encouraging others is a selfless act, being motivating and kind to those around you, actually will help you feel happier too.
Watch your Words and Thoughts
Whether you are talking to yourself or others, the words you say and think have power. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, M.D., has done studies that have proved this is true. Positive words can literally change your brain. He studied the brain and the effects of the spoken word, or thoughts, and found that even a single negative word increases activity in the fear center of our brain.
Speaking positive words, or even holding a positive word (like love, peace, joy, etc.) can shift your mood and change the trajectory of your life. Choosing the words you use, while knowing that they affect energy and outcome, is also known as conscious language. It is closely related to what is often called the law of attraction. And that means that what ever you place your attention on is what you create. It’s important to focus on the positive thing you desire rather than the negative thing you want to avoid. An example would be saying: "I'm choosing not to buy that right now." as compared to: "I can't afford it.". Another example is to think and say: "Cleaning the house is easy and fun" instead of thinking/saying anything negative about cleaning the house.
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