Tips for Zero Waste
It's no surprise that the amount of waste in the world is growing.  In particular, plastics are a big concern.  Small pieces of plastic, called microplastics, are showing up in remote locations and in babies.  Everyone can make a difference.  From coporations to what you use and your habits at home, it all adds up.  We have all become more aware of our impact on the planet.  Especially since the first Earth Day in 1970 and the slogan:  "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".  Here are some tips for zero waste.

Make Good Choices

It can be hard to avoid plastic packaging that can't be recycled.  Choose cardboard, aluminum, and glass packaging when you can.  Then reuse or recycle the packaging when you're done.  For example, reuse an empty glass jar to store nuts and seeds that you buy in bulk.  Or use a non-recyclable bag as a garbage can liner.

Minimize Food Waste

The most obvious way to minimize food waste in the kitchen is to not over buy and compost it.  Use that compost in your own garden to have zero waste.  Other ways to minimize food waster include making stock from vegetable and herb scraps, using the boiled water from cooking a vegetable in a sauce, and freezing unneeded food.

Eat and Buy Local

You can minimize the amount of pollution created by food transportation by eating and buying local.  Farmer's Markets and craft fairs are a great way to support local farmers and artisans.  Plus buying fresh local produce means it will probably taste better and last longer.  Don't forget to bring a reusable bag to further reduce waste.

Buy Used or High Quality Items

High quality items cost more, but will usually last longer than less expensive options.  Looking for items with a lifetime warranty is a good indicator of the quality.  If you can't afford a high quality item, you may be able to find it lightly used at a thrift store, on Craig's list, or at

Choose Applicances Wisely

You can save energy by buying high quality energy efficient appliances.  If you can avoid cooking with gas, you'll help reduce the amount of methan gas released into the atmosphere.  Induction stoves use less energy than any other type of stove.  This may sound surprising, but using an energy efficient dishwasher may use less water than hand washing dishes.  Finally, using multi-function kitchen appliances can reduce waste because you are not buying multiple applicances.  Instapots and multi-function toaster ovens are two good examples of this.

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