Benefits of Artichokes
Artichokes were first consumed in the Mediterranean region long ago.  They have fascinated people for centuries and are even part of Greek mythology.  The artichoke plant is part of the sunflower family and it is the unbloomed flower that you can cook and eat.  They are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins and should be a part of your healthy diet.  99% of the artichokes in north America are grown in California.  Here are some more benefits of artichokes.

Good for Skin

Artichoke extract has been studied by several companies and has been found to be of benefit to the skin.  The studies showed that it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.  So now you can find it in moisturizers, toners, serums, and more.

Helps Burn Fat

Artichokes contain a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile.  And bile helps you burn fat.  So eating artichokes can be helpful for  encouraging your body to burn fat for energy.

Improves Digestion

Artichokes contain a lot of the non-soluble fiber inulin.  Inulin is a prebiotic and feeds the good bacteria in your gut.  One artichoke contains about 7 grams of fiber.  A diet rich in fiber is known to provide many health benefits including helping you feel full and that can support your healthy weight goals.  Another way artichokes can support your healthy weight goals is because they only contain about 60 calories.  Low in calories and high in fiber makes it a healthy diet choice.

Cleanses the Liver

Recent research on artichoke leaf extract shows that it supports liver health and may be able to improve non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.  This is not too surprising given that it is related to milk thistle, which also supports the liver.

Healthy Cholesterol Levels

Artichoke leaf extract has also been studied for it's ability to support a healthier level of "good" (HDL) to "bad" (LDL).  And because unhealthy cholesterol levels often lead to cardiovascular disease, artichoke leaf extract is considered beneficial for cardiovascular health.  There have also been studies that indicate artichoke leaf extract may help lower blood pressure.

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