What To Know About Zinc

What To Know About Zinc
Zinc is a foundational mineral that has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune function.  Like magnesium, it plays a critical role in many chemical processes in the body.  It is present in every cell, organ, bone, tissue and fluid in the body.  Even though it is commonly added to prepared foods and multi-vitamins, not everybody can absorb zinc easily.

Get Rid of Ants Naturally

Get Rid of Ants Naturally
You may have ants that find their way into your house from time to time.  The good news is that you don't have to use harsh chemicals to get rid of them.  You don't even have to kill them.  Some natural options just deter them and don't harm them.  Here are the most common ways to get rid of ants naturally.

Color Therapy

Color Therapy
Color has been used for healing for at least 2,000 years.   Color and light in the form of sunlight, crystals, paints and plants were used to improve people’s moods in ancient times.  Today, color therapy is based on the understanding that your surroundings and environment can influence your state of mind.  The science behind this is used heavily in marketing and interior design.  Color therapy can also be used as a form of therapy known as chromotherapy.  In chromotherapy, different colors are used to shift your mood and promote wellness.  Here are some ways to experience color therapy.


Keeping Your Electrolytes Balanced

Keeping Your Electrolytes Balanced
Your body needs electrolytes for the normal functioning of the brain, nerves, and muscles.  Electrolytes conduct electricity and send signals that allow your body to function properly.  Electrolyte imbalance can result in negative, and sometimes serious symptoms.  Here is what you need to know to keep your electrolytes balanced.

The Fantastic Flaxseed

The Fantastic Flaxseed
Flaxseeds are incredibly nutrient dense and have been heavily studied for their health benefits.  For just pennies a day, you can consume this powerhouse and support your overall wellness.  They contain a broad spectrum of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and protein.  They have been eaten by humans for approximately 6,000 years.  And with so many people now sensitive to gluten, flaxseeds are a great way to naturally replace gluten-containing grains in recipes.  Flaxseeds are usually easily metabolized and are also anti-inflammatory.
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