Color Therapy
Color has been used for healing for at least 2,000 years.   Color and light in the form of sunlight, crystals, paints and plants were used to improve people’s moods in ancient times.  Today, color therapy is based on the understanding that your surroundings and environment can influence your state of mind.  The science behind this is used heavily in marketing and interior design.  Color therapy can also be used as a form of therapy known as chromotherapy.  In chromotherapy, different colors are used to shift your mood and promote wellness.  Here are some ways to experience color therapy.

Get Out In Nature

There are so many positive reasons to get out in nature.  You'll see different colors like the blue sky, green plants, and colorful birds and flowers.  Plus being in the sun at least 20 minutes a day can help help your body produce vitamin D.  And the yellow of the sun can be uplifting for most people.  There are benefits to being out in nature even if it isn't sunny.  For most people, being out in nature is like hitting a reset button and can positively influence their mood.

Choosing Colors

Cool and neutral colors tend to be calming, whereas bright colors tend to be stimulating.  Red is most commonly associated with romance.  When it comes to influencing your health, red is thought to promote circulation.  At the same time, red can stimulate anger for some.  Green is associated with nature, good health and balance.  You'll notice that health foods and healing practices commonly use green in their packaging and marketing materials.  You can choose the colors you wear and/or have in your living space to help shift your mood.

Color Therapy Glasses

You can also wear colored glasses to feel the effects of different colors on your mood and body.   They are usually sold as a set of 10 and often provide UV protection.  You can wear them for 10 to 30 minutes a day to feel the impact on your body and mind.  Yellow and orange can be used to improve mood and confidence.  Pink glasses are relaxing and are used to help reduce appetite.   Indigo glasses are commonly worn for inner peace and serenity.

Balance Your Chakras

According to ancient wisdom, your body has 7 main energy centers that are aligned along your spine.  The concept of chakras originated in  India between 1500 and 500 BC.  It is believed that the health of your chakras is directly connected to the health of your physical body, your  mind, and your emotional well being.  Each chakra is associated with a different color and location within the body.  You can keep your chakras balanced through yoga, meditation, sound and energy work, and color therapy.

Creating Art

You can influence your mood by creating art using the colors that support your desired mood.  If you want more energy, use the bright stimulating colors.  If you want to feel calmer, use soft cool colors.  Purple can help with self-knowledge and wisdom and indigo can promote creativity and intuition.   Express your creativity and color, paint, create mosaics, sew, embroider, do stained glass, color eggs, and more.

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