Exercise Your Brain
Your brain is the command center of your nervous system and the center of all of your body’s functions and systems.  Maintaining the health of your brain is essential for your memory, learning, mental energy, and mood.  Even though most of your brain cells are formed in the womb and during infancy, new research suggests that your brain is able to regenerate and create new cells throughout your life.  This means that you can keep your brain health, mental energy, and memory strong throughout your lifetime.  In addition to living a healthy lifestyle, you can encourage regeneration of brain cells by exercising your brain.  This is known as neurobic exercise.  Using your brain in unusual ways can help to make it more agile and flexible.  Here are some ways to exercise your brain.

Use Your Non-Dominant Hand

Doing things that you would normally do with your dominant hand will challenge and exercise your brain.  It's thought to help build stronger connections between your brain’s hemispheres.  It is also thought to lead to improved levels of creativity, intuition and ability to feel.  You can try doing simple things like brushing your teeth, opening doors, or combing your hair with your non-dominant hand.

Switch Things Up

Changing your routine can challenge and exercise your brain.  Take a different path than usual, do your grocery shopping in reverse direction, and trying a new exercise are good examples.  The reasoning behind the benefits of doing this is based on using different neural pathways.  It's similar to switching up your exercise routine so that you use different muscles.

Challenge Your Senses

Eat or drink something without looking at it and challenge your brain to smell and sense what it is.  You may not even be aware of what your are seeing, smelling, or hearing much of the time.  Try closing your eyes when you step outside and notice what you can hear, smell, and feel.  Exercising your brain is thought to help your ability to focus and concentrate.

Reading Exercises

You can also challenge your brain by reading either ultra-slow or ultra-fast out loud.  Try incorporating the physical sensation of moving your mouth and tongue.  This exercises your focus of hearing as you articulate the words audibly.  You can also study auctioneers and their techniques for ultra-fast speech as auditory neurobics.  Memorizing a poem or a speech and reciting it is another way to exercise your brain.

Count Your Breath

You probably breathe without even thinking about it.  Counting your breaths out loud is another way to exercise your brain. Focused breathing, concentrating solely on your own breath, can be powerful.  Breathing consciously can benefit your life by reducing anxiety, pain, and providing muscle tension relief.

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