Vitamin D is an important nutrient that has a huge impact on your health.  There are vitamin D receptors in most cells and tissues in your body.  It is created by your body when your skin is exposed to the sun.  It only takes 15 to 20 minutes of morning sun during the longer days of the year.  During the shorter and colder days of the year, it can be difficult to get enough sun to keep your vitamin D levels optimum.  This is especially true for those living further away from the equator.  Egg yolks, fatty fish, and grass-fed cheese and butter are also good sources of vitamin D.

If you suspect that you are not getting enough vitamin D, you may want to take a supplement.  One good reference for finding a high quality option is  However, there are many physician grade and smaller companies making high quality supplements as well.  Here are some reasons why vitamin D is so important.


Depression is a complex condition which can often be addressed by addressing nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, diet and hormonal imbalances.  Optimizing levels of certain nutrients like vitamin D, is one strategy that could improve anxiety, depression, and irritability.  Along with vitamin D, important nutrients for optimal brain function and good mental health are magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, B vitamins, and amino acids.

Balances Blood Sugar

Healthy levels of vitamin D help you to produce adequate levels of insulin, one of your blood sugar regulating hormones.  Without healthy levels of vitamin D, your blood sugar is more likely to fluctuate and cause problems.  On-going research is inconclusive about how big a role vitamin D plays in diabetes.

Builds Stronger Bones

Vitamin D is a precursor hormone for a powerful hormone in your body called calcitriol, which is needed for bone strength and cell regeneration.  It works synergistically with vitamin K2 to allow calcium uptake into skeletal bone tissue.  D3 and K2 also work together to protect blood vessels from calcification.  Another important role for Vitamin D is in the metabolism of phosphorus, a key mineral that supports bone health.

Supports the Immune System

Healthy levels of vitamin D support the immune system and can help protect against some infections and viruses.   This is because your immune cells contain receptors for vitamin D.  Specifically, T cells rely on vitamin D in order to activate, otherwise they may remain dormant.  Another way that vitamin helps the immune system is by preventing prolonged or excessive inflammatory responses.

Reduces Joint Pain

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for healthy joints.  The underlying cause of joint pain is inflammation, and vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammatory.  Vitamin D has also been found to be important in promoting cartilage.  When the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down, it can lead to pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints.

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