Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy

Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy
t's normal for you energy levels to vary throughout the day.  And then sometimes life can just get busy and use up much of your energy.  Other things that can contribute to low energy are stress, overwork, shallow breathing and poor diet.  In addition to addressing the obvious things that zap your energy, there are natual ways to boost your energy levels.

Beneftis of B7

Beneftis of B7
B7, or biotin, is an important vitamin that allows your body to utilize the nutrition contained in fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  It is also an important vitamin for maintaing healthy skin, nails, and hair.  B7 is a water soluble vitamin that most people get enough of it when eating a healthy diet that contains things like nuts, seeds, avocado, banana, and leafy greens.  

Maintaining Brain Health

Maintaining Brain Health
Your brain is responsible for memory, cognition, learning, thinking, and more.  You may think that a natural part of aging is detriorating brain function that makes it harder to do these things.  While genetics does play into brain diseases like Alzheimer's, there is more and more research showing that you can minimize your risk.  Here are some things you can do that will help you maintain your brain health.

Foods That Trigger Anxiety

Foods That Trigger Anxiety
You've probably experienced anxiety when you faced an unfamiliar situation, or had to take a test or interview for a job.  Anxiety can be defined as fear or worry about something happening in the future.  Occasional anxiety is completely normal.  But on-going stress and anxiety can harm your health and negatively impact your life.  This article is about natural ways to reduce occasional anxiety by avoiding foods that can trigger anxiety.  If you've experienced a high level of anxiety for 6 months or more, seek medical help.

Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress
Everyone experiences stress.  The key to whether it negatively impacts your health is how quickly you can return to a relaxed state.  Being in a state of high stress for long periods of time can negatively impact your health with things like sleep issues, headaches, shortness of breath, and more.  
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