Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy
It's normal for you energy levels to vary throughout the day.  And then sometimes life can just get busy and use up much of your energy.  Other things that can contribute to low energy are stress, overwork, shallow breathing and poor diet.  In addition to addressing the obvious things that zap your energy, there are natual ways to boost your energy levels.

Stay Hydrated

You may not realzie it, but drinking enough hydrating fluids can improve your energy levels.  If you don't like drinking plain water, you can consider adding food grade essential oils.  Another option is to infuse your water with your favorite fruits and/or vegetables like cucumber and lemon.  There are also more and more healthy lightly flavored waters available to buy or that you can make at home.  You might consider coconut water, keifer water, kombucha, lightly flavored sparkling waters and herbal teas.


If you're tired or have low energy, you may not feel like moving and may think it could only make matters worse.  But movement increases circulation and gets oxygen and nutriets into your cells.  It increases activity in your heart and lungs which will give you more energy.  Movement also impacts your digestion, immunity, hormones, and your ability to detoxify.  Finally, moving  causes the release of endorphins that can improve your mood and help relieve stress.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a nutritional power houses that can also help boost your energy.  They have been consumed since ancient times because of their ability to improve brain concentration and energy levels.  In addition, the healthy fat in them can help reduce inflammation and improve sleep quality.  It's easy to add them to your diet because you can sprinkle them on your food like a condiment.  Another easy way to get them in your diet is to add them to overnight oats.

Vegetable Juice

Drinking fresh non-commercial vegetable juice is a great way to get concentrated nutrition straight into your cells.  You can get lots of important vitamins and minerals if you drink a variety of different vegetables juices.  You'll notice the difference in your energy levels.  In addition to having more energy, vegetable juices can help you get rid of toxins that you are exposed to every day.  The antioxidants in vegetables can also help reduce inflammation and can help protect your body from many different diseases.

Adaptogenic Herbs

Adapatogenic herbs can help your body deal with stress and fatigue.  Herbs such as ashwaganda, holy basil and ginseng have been used since ancient times for this purpose.  During World War II, some adaptogenic herbs were studied for their ability to help pilots fly faster, better and for longer periods of time.  Ayurvedic medicine has incorporated adaptogens for treating many health issues.  The herbs have been used to balance hormone levels, boost the immune system, improve stamina and energy levels and much more.

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