Your body needs healthy fats to maintain a healthy hormone balance, brain health and much more. Some fats provide you with wonderful health benefits and others are actually harmful. You are probably aware of how healthy a high quality fresh olive oil is for you. But you may not realize how harmful some other fats are for you. Here is more information about fats to eat and fats to avoid.
Read more...Having healthy blood sugar levels is critical to your wellness. Unstable blood sugar can lead to mood swings, low energy, weight gain and serious health issues. Balancing blood sugar levels gives you and your body enough energy to fuction well without overloading your system. Besides avoiding sugary drinks and foods, there are some easy ways to keep your blood sugar balanced.
Read more...Nitrates and nitrites can come from natural sources or they can by synthetic. The natural sources are derived from nitrogen which is what makes up 78% of earth's atmosphere. Oxygen makes up about 20% of the atmosphere. Foods containing protein require nitrogen and nitrogen is also part of your DNA. But the nitrogen in the atmosphere isn't bioavailable. It takes bacteria in the ground to convert it into natural nitrates and nitrates that your body can utilize. Here is what you need to know about nitrates and nitrites.
Read more...Knee pain is one of the most common ailments that people seek medical help for. It can be caused by overuse, aging, injury or your anatomy. While it can happen at any age, it is more common in older adults as a result of arthritis. The most common form of arthritis that results in knee pain is osteoarthritis (OA). OA can result in stiffness, pain, and decreased strength in your upper leg. Fortunately, there are things you can do to maintain your knee health.
Read more...Muscle strength is important for more reasons than just being able to lift heavy objects. It is important for your balance, bone health, endurance, joints, metabolism, and it helps support a healthy weight. Having strong muscles can also help you feel better in your body, give you confidence and support your well being. They can even help you balance your blood sugar because your muscles store sugar as glycogen. Here are some strategies for staying strong.