Tips for Zero Waste

Tips for Zero Waste
It's no surprise that the amount of waste in the world is growing.  In particular, plastics are a big concern.  Small pieces of plastic, called microplastics, are showing up in remote locations and in babies.  Everyone can make a difference.  From coporations to what you use and your habits at home, it all adds up.  We have all become more aware of our impact on the planet.  Especially since the first Earth Day in 1970 and the slogan:  "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".  Here are some tips for zero waste.

Preparing For A Big Meal

Preparing For A Big Meal
If you are attending an event where you will be tempted to eat more than usual, there are some things you can do that will help you not feel so uncomfortable.  Here are some tips for preparing for a big meal.  Some of these you may choose to do every day to be at your best.


Preveting Leaky Brain

Preveting Leaky Brain
Your brain has a membrane that protects it just like your gut has a membrane.  Just like you can have leaky gut syndrome,  you can have a leaky brain.  This happens when the blood brain barrier around your brain gets damaged.  It is not uncommon to have both leaky gut and leaky brain syndrome because some of the risk factors are the same.  If you have damage to your blood brain barrier, you may experience fatigue, brain fog, poor mood, hormone inbalances and more.  If this condition persists for a long period of time, it can result in more severe health issues.  Here are some tips for preventing leaky brain.

Maintaining Healthy Digestion

Maintaining Healthy Digestion
Your digestive health is more important than you may realize.  It is at the center of your wellness because it is how your cells get the nutrition they need.  It is also plays an important role in controlling your mood and protecting your body against harmful bacteria and toxins.  If your digestive health is compromised, it can result in acid reflux, indigestion and inflammation.  If your digestive health is not optimal for a long period of time, it can result in more serious health conditions.  Here are some tips for maintaining healthy digestion.

Easy Toxins to Avoid

Easy Toxins to Avoid
You are constantly exposed to toxins even if you try to avoid them.  There are over 62,000 chemicals approved for use in the United States, but only 300 of them have been tested for safety.  Drinking plenty of purified water and fresh organic foods is a good way to start reducing your exposure.  You can also help your body eliminate toxins through movement and deep breathing.  In addition, here are some easy toxins to avoid.
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