It seems that many people are feeling fatigued and have low energy.  Much of this has to do with the quality of food you eat and the condition of your digestive tract.  The worse your  digestion is, the less you can assimilate nutrients.  This nutrient deficiency, along with exposure to toxins, can lead to inflammation throughout your body and drain your energy reserves.  Fortunately, there are things you can do to boost your energy.  First, determine that you don't have any food allergies.  Eating a food that you're allergic to, is like putting the wrong fuel in a gas tank.  Nothing will work correctly.  Next, try these suggestions.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated throughout the day is essential for your overall health and to maintain your energy levels.  Be sure to use clean filtered water.  If you use a reverse osmosis system you can add back trace minerals by adding a pinch of natural salt (Himalayan, Celtic, etc.) to your water.  For extra flavor, add a few drops of your favorite food grade essential oil or fresh squeezed lemon or lime.  It's best to drink water away from meals so that you don't interfere with stomach acid and digestive enzyme production.  The general guideline is to not drink much water within 30 minutes before, and 30 mins to an hour after a meal.  If you're taking supplements with a meal, drink just enough to take the supplement.
Consuming water rich vegetables, like cucumbers and celery, is another way to stay hydrated.  Cucumbers and celery are excellent acid neutralizers and alkalize your body.  In addition, they have a perfect electrolyte balance that powerfully quenches thirst and will boost your energy.

Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels

Stable blood sugar will help you feel better and have a consistently higher level of energy.  The easiest way to stabilize your blood sugar levels is to reduce your consumption of sugar and grains.  Make sure you consume healthy fats such as coconut oil, grass-fed butter, avocados, olives or nuts and seeds at every meal.  The healthy fats will help to keep your blood sugar levels stable.


It is important for you to move your body with regular exercise.  Walking, yoga, min-trampoline,  whatever movement feels good to you.  Consider going outside every day and get a good walk in nature.   Nature is extremely therapeutic to our adrenal glands and movement will help to improve blood and lymphatic flow and stimulate your brain.  In addition, movement is essential for your digestive tract so that you can move your bowels and get rid of all the wastes from the foods you consumed the day before.   This will reduce stress on your body and significantly boost your energy and mental clarity.


Smoothies are one of the best ways to get nutrients into your body.  This is because they are pre-digested, which takes stress off of your digestive tract as compared to consuming solid foods.  You are able to absorb more nutrition from the smoothies than you would from a solid-food meal.  There are tons of smoothie recipes available.  Some of my favorites are by Anthony William, the Medical Medium.  Here is a recipe for his fruit based morning green smoothie bowl.  A keto diet friendly smoothie would have a milk base such as organic coconut milk, almond milk, hemp milk or grass-fed goat or cow’s milk.   Then you would add healthy fats such as 1-2 tbsps of coconut oil or an avocado or 1-2 tbsps of almond butter.  Next add in ¼- ½  cup of organic berries (fresh or frozen) and 1-2 scoops of a healthy protein powder.


No matter how well you eat, it may be hard to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain optimum energy levels.  If you've been under stress, you may have depleted your B vitamin levels.  B vitamins help you convert the food you eat into cellular energy.  Magnesium is needed for over 300 chemical reactions in your body and the majority of adults are deficient.  Supplementing with magnesium can make a big difference in energy levels, sleep quality, and mood.   In addition, there is a whole class of plants known as adaptogens.  Adaptogens help strengthen the body and supports a healthier stress response.  Maca is an adaptogen that has been cultivated for over 2,000 years.  It can be found growing wild in Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina.  It has been traditionally used to support healthy energy, performance, stamina, and hormone balance.
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