5 Ways to Fell Happier
Happiness can seem elusive if the circumstances in your life aren't pleasing to you.  In spite of things not being the way you might want them, there are things you can do help yourself feel happier.  Happiness is said to be contagious, as we can lift others up by demonstrating what joy is all about.  A healthy diet leads to happiness by not only allowing you to avoid illnesses, but also by providing you with actual mood-boosting essential vitamins, trace minerals, healthy fats and more.  In addition, to eating and drinking a wholesome and clean diet, here are more ways you can feel happier.

Focus on Acts of Kindness

Focusing on solving others’ problems is a great way to feel happier.  Being of service to others has two important outcomes.  It brings more happiness to the lives of those who we serve, and we also feel more positive and joyful ourselves when we help other people.  This will help keep the focus off your own problems and will allow you to deal with any issues you are having better.  There was a study done called "Happy People Become Happier through Kindness".  It found that people became more happy and grateful by counting the acts of kindness they had performed.  I'm sure you can think of people that had very little, but were a beacon of sunshine for the world.  From a greeter at a store to well known people like Mother Theresa.

Have a Straight Back and Move your Body

Poor posture can lead to a bad mood and make you feel more stressed and depressed.  Whether you're sitting, standing, or walking, you'll notice that you have more energy if your back is straight and your shoulders are back.  Next, take a nice deep breath, and you may noticed your mood and outlook on life have improved.
Next, start doing whatever type of exercise you enjoy and can stick with for more than a few weeks. Whether that is walking, weight or resistance  training, hiking, yoga, running, gardening, mini-trampoline, or Pilates.  Whatever type of physical activity you prefer will have the added benefit of helping you feel happier.  Studies have shown that physical activity causes your body to increase HGH and endorphins, which help to improve your mood and self-esteem.  There’s also evidence that inactivity can result in increased unhappiness, while regularly exercising does the opposite.

Choose your Friends Wisely

Choose your friends, and what you spend your time listening to, carefully.  Choose friends that are positive and will hold you accountable, are honest with you, and encourage you towards your goals and dreams.  When you share your time with people that build you up and encourage you, then you can build lasting relationships, and these contribute directly to true happiness.  Studies have shown that very happy people have highly satisfying relationships with friends, romantic partners and family members.  Happy people also report more positive events and emotions in their daily lives relative to negative ones.  So  put your time and energy towards building meaningful deep relationships.  And spend your time listening/watching/reading material that brings you joy.   As the late Jim Rohn said:  "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."  I would add that your life and happiness are influenced by the quality and energy of the entertainment material you consume as well.

Encourage Others

Practice recognizing the best qualities that others around you have to offer.  Show appreciation and respect for the good things that your family, coworkers, and friends do for you.   Encourage others to pursue their dreams and give them reassurance that they can achieve their goals.  While it may seem that encouraging others is a selfless act, being motivating and kind to those around you, actually will help you feel happier too.

Watch your Words and Thoughts

Whether you are talking to yourself or others, the words you say and think have power.  Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, M.D., has done studies that have proved this is true.  Positive words can literally change your brain.  He studied the brain and the effects of the spoken word, or thoughts, and found that even a single negative word increases activity in the fear center of our brain.

Speaking positive words, or even holding a positive word (like love, peace, joy, etc.) can shift your mood and change the trajectory of your life.  Choosing the words you use, while knowing that they affect energy and outcome, is also known as conscious language.  It is closely related to what is often called the law of attraction.  And that means that what ever you place your attention on is what you create.   It’s important to focus on the positive thing you desire rather than the negative thing you want to avoid.  An example would be saying:  "I'm choosing not to buy that right now." as compared to:  "I can't afford it.".  Another example is to think and say:  "Cleaning the house is easy and fun" instead of thinking/saying anything negative about cleaning the house.

Did this help you?  If so, I'd greatly appreciate it if you commented and/or share it on social media.

Email:  sharonledwards@hotmail.com
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