Fat Burning Tips
Having a higher metabolic rate will help you burn more fat.  That means that even when you are not being very active, you will still be burning fat.  Having a high metabloic rate will also help you to maintain a healthy body weight if you are eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables and good fats.  Here are some other fat burning tips.


There is some research that indicates that exercising earlier in the day, may help boost your metabolism more than later in the day.  But the real key is to maintain some type of fitness routine, no matter what time of day.  When you are active, your heart rate increases and you burn more calories.  If you are building muscle, your body will burn even more calories to support your growing muscles.  And of course, you will burn more calories the more intensely and more active you are.

Fat Burning Foods and Drinks

There are some foods and drinks that may naturally speed up your metabolism.  The active ingredients in grapefruit may be able to help reduce your appetite and speed up your metabolisn.  The caffeine in non-herbal teas and coffee, can also speed up your metabolism.  Although, there are differing opions on whether or not caffeine, is a healthy choice.  Coconut oil, ghee, or other healthy fats, can help your body burn fat for fuel.  They are good for your overall health, which will help your body have a strong metabolism.  Bone broth is thought to prevent muscle breakdown and may boost your metabolism.  Finally, spices that warm your body may help boost your metabolism.  Think cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and tumeric.  You can easily add them to drinks, marinades, smoothies, and other recipes.

Avoid Processed Foods 

Processed foods contain unhealthy fats and additives that can prevent your body from functioning at it's best.  Your body needs a healthy mix of fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats to support proper cell functioning,   Too much sugar, and your body will burn that for fuel instead of fat.  

Exercise on An Empty Stomach

If you exercise in the morning before you eat, your body may burn fat to get the calories it needs.  Another advantage to working out first thing, is that you get your exercise done before there are any distractions.  You need to listen to your body though, because if your body can't get the calories it needs from fat, it may burn muscle instead.   Another indicator of the best way for you to workout is to notice whether you can work out harder with or without food in your stomach.  

Good Sleep

Not getting consistent good sleep can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.  Your body will want to slow down to conserve energy, if you are not well rested.  In addition, getting consistently good rest helps keep your hormones in balance and will make it easier to not be tempted by unhealthy foods.  
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