Amazing Nuts
Archeologists have found nuts, and the stones to crack them open, that are 4,000 to 8,000 years old.  Nuts have been an important part of human nutrition for that long.  Each type of nut contains a unique nutritional profile.  Here is what you need to know about amazing nuts.


Nuts contain everything that is needed to grow a tree.  This makes them nutrient dense and high in calories.  Brazil nuts are particularly interesting, because they contain almost double the daily recommended amount of selenium.  You may want to have a single Brazil nut every other day to make sure you get the selenium your body needs.  Nuts also contain vitamin E and magnesium, along with other nutients, and are generally low in carbohydrates.


Studies have been done that have established a positive relationship between eating nuts, and heart health and longevity.  If you are allergic to tree nuts, you may be able to tolerate seeds like sesame, pumpkin, or sunflower.  Macademia and pine nuts are techincally seeds.  And coconuts are a fruit.  So these may be OK for you too.  Check with your health practitioner before adding these to your diet.


The polyphenols in nuts are an antioxidant that can help protect cells throughout your body.  In particular, walnuts and almonds, have been studied for their ability to protect cells from damage due to oxidative stress.  In another study, pecans were found to decrease the level of bad cholesterol 2 -8 hours after being consumed.

Brain Health

A study showed that walnuts can help protect the brain from inflammation.  And inflammation in the brain is linked to poor cognitive health.  Walnuts are considered the most powerful neuroprective nut due to the high level of Omega-3 fatty acid in them.

Eating and Storing Nuts

The good fats in nuts is one of the things that make them a healthy food.  But those healthy fats can go bad.  Walnuts, in particular, can go bad faster than other nuts.  It is best to keep nuts in the refrigerator in an airtight container.  This website can help you determine the shelf life of your nuts.  Because nuts contain healthy fats, they are high in calories.  Depending on your body, you may be able to eat a small serving (about an once) every day, or it may be better to have a small serving once a week.  There is some controversy about the antinutrients that are in nuts that can interfere with absorption of beneficial nutrients.  If this is a concern for you, soak them in water for 24-48 hours .  This will break down the anitnutrients.

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