Start Your Day Off Right
How you start your morning can set the whole tone of your day.  From what you drink and /or eat, to what you think - it can all make a difference.  Here are some key things you can do to start your day off right.


Having gratitude for your body and the day ahead can help determine how your day goes.  Even if there are things coming up in the day that aren't your favorite things to do, having a positive outcome may help change the experience.  Think about the positive things that could happen during the day and what pleasant surprises could be ahead for you.  Some people start their day by writing in their gratitude journal.


Getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the day helps your body regulate important hormones and it positively influences other important body functions.  The general recommendation is to get 30 to 45 minutes of sunlight within an hour of waking up.  Light boxes that simulate natural sunlight are a good option, but artificial light is not.  Some of the benefits of exposing your eyes to natural sunlight include improving your sleep, metabolism, and mood.  Consider changing out the bulbs where you spend time in the morning to full spectrum bulbs, especially if you're susceptible to depression in the darker months.

Healthy Morning Drinks

You may be one of the many who start your day drinking coffee because of the caffeine and the way it boosts  your energy.   An organic cup of fair trade coffee only has one potential downside, and that is it can act as a mild diuretic.  Another potential downside is if you load it up with sugar and artificial fat.  If caffeine isn't for you, other healthy morning drinks are lemon water. organic tea, chicory root coffee, and maca.  Fresh made celery juice has become the go to for many people because of it's health supporting benefits.  The most important aspect of your morning drink is that you rehydrate from the night before and avoid artificial chemicals/colors.  

Morning Exercise

Getting into the routine of exercising first thing in the morning is a great way to ensure you get the daily recommended 30 minutes of exercise.  You'll likely experience more energy and more mental clarity.  It is also a great way to kick start your metabolism.  Exercising  causes your body to generate feel good hormones like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.  So you may be in a better mood after exercising.  It can also help you sleep better at night and relieve stress.

Prep the Night Before

Your morning can be more relaxed if you take care of some tasks the night before.  Rather than waking up and wondering if you are remembering what you need to accomplish, write it down the night before.  Laying out your clothes the night before can also contribute to a smooth and peaceful start to your day.  Same is true for meal preparation.  Knowing that your breakfast and lunch are ready to go, can free up time in the morning and reduce stress.

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