The Power of Root Vegetables
Root vegetables are the edible part of the plant that grows beneath the soil.  They can be broken into five categories.  Bulbs, like onion and leeks, grow in rings.  Corms look like bulbs, but they do not grown in rings.  Examples are taro, water chestnut and arrowhead.  Taproots are a singular edible root vegetable and consist of common foods like carrots, beets, and radishes.  Rhizomes are completely different than taproots in that send out growth horizontally.  Two incredibly good for you rhizomes are ginger and turmeric.  Tubers are well known for their high nutrient profile and include potatoes, sweet potatoes, and jicama.  Here are some reasons why the power of root vegetables is so amazing.

High in Fiber

Eating a diet that is high in fiber helps you feel full and is an important key to keeping your digestive tract healthy.  The fiber in root vegetables is extra beneficial because it is a resistant starch or insoluble fiber.  This type of fiber passes through your digestive tract and feeds your good gut bacteria.  Although the fiber in root vegetables is highly beneficial for some, the carbohydrates in them can raise blood sugar levels in some people.  If that is the case for you, get your fiber from other sources like leafy greens, beans, peas and whole grains.

Good Source of Energy

Root vegetables are considered a good source of healthy carbohydrates and starch that can be used by your body for energy.  But if you eat too many of certain types of them, it can cause your blood sugar to rise and result in weight gain.  They key is to eat a variety of them and not add extra sugar and fat.


Root vegetables are loaded with anti-oxidants and a wide variety of vitamins and phytonutrients.  Antioxidants are known for their ability to reduce inflammation.  The beta-carotene in them is a needed by your body to make vitamin A which is known to support vision health.  It is found in high quantities in sweet potatoes, beets and carrots.  Root vegetables also contain vitamin C which supports your immune system.

Cardiovascular Support

The fiber in root vegetables binds to cholesterol in your body and can help escort it out.  This means excess cholesterol is less likely to build-up in your arteries and cause problems for your heart.  The potassium in them is another way they support your cardiovascular health.

How to Eat Them

There are so many types of root vegetables that it is easy to add a small serving or two a day to your diet.  Some you can eat raw like carrots and jicama.  Others can be added to foods as a seasoning, like onions and garlic.  You can steam, bake or roast the tuberous vegetables like potatoes, parsnips, squash, and turnips.  It's good to get a wide variety of these powerful plants because they each contain a different nutrient profile.

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