Natural Strategies for Cold Sores
Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus.  You can be exposed to this virus as a child and it may stay dormant in you for many years.  It is estimated that humans carry between 8 and 12 dormant viruses.  Shingles is another example of a condition caused by a virus that stays dormant in your body after initial exposure.  It is caused by the chicken pox virus. You can't get rid of the viruses that are lying dormant in your body, but there are ways to minimize the impact of them on your health.  Here are some natural strategies for cold sores.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one of the best ways to boost your body’s ability to heal from a viral infection.  The foods you eat can help suppress or stimulate viral growth.  L-lysine is an amino acid that supports your immune system and can help suppress the growth of viruses.  It is found in legumes, wild-caught fish, turkey, chicken and vegetables.  Arginine is an amino acid that competes with lysine for absorption.  It is known to stimulate viral growth.  This means it is best to avoid foods high in arginine like tomatoes, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, black berries, grapes, and most nuts and seeds.  Orange and red vegetables are great to eat because of the anti-oxidants and vitamin C they contain.


If you're eating a healthy diet, but are still experiencing symptoms, you may get relief by taking extra key nutrients in the form of a supplement.  As mentioned above, L-lysine can help suppress the growth of viruses.  It can be take as a supplement and is also available topically.  Zinc is an important mineral for many bodily functions, including protecting you from viruses and infections.  Taking a high quality zinc supplement when you are experiencing symptoms from a virus can be very helpful.  Anti-viral herbs can also be very beneficial.  Some to consider include elderberry, calendula, echinacea, garlic, astragalus and licorice root.  Other great anti-viral herbs are olive leaf extract, broccoli sprouts, and mulberry.

Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Certain foods can increase inflammation and weaken your immune defenses.  The biggest offenders are sugar and processed foods.  Other foods that cause inflammation are vegetable oils, as well as meat and dairy from conventionally raised animals and farmed fish. These foods often contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), trans-fats, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic ingredients. Consuming these foods creates inflammation in the body and alters the immune system.  Alcohol and chocolate are two other things to avoid.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have been studied for their ability to help heal cold sores.  The most commonly used essential oils for cold sores are tea tree, oregano, clove and peppermint.  Make sure you use food grade oils from a reputable company.  Since they have become so popular, many companies are producing essential oils.  But they may not be very effective because of when the plant is harvested and how it is processed.  If you have sensitive skin, you may want to mix the essential oils with a carrier oil to dilute their strength.  You can use oils like jojoba, coconut  or even olive oil.

Life Style

You may not be able to eliminate the viruses in your body completely, but you can minimize the impact they have on you.   You can do this by living a healthy life style which includes reducing stress,  getting high quality sleep, and reducing your exposure to toxins.  Daily exercise, or movement,  is also an important component because it supports your lymphatic system which is a part of your immune system.   Your lymphatic system is  a network of lymph nodes connected by lymphatic vessels that transports lymph throughout the body.  Your lymph fluid contains oxygen, proteins, and other nutrients that nourish your tissues.  It also helps carry toxins out of the body.  It is dependent on movement to function properly.

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