Ingredients Banned in Other Countries

Ingredients Banned in Other Countries
You may have heard that food and drinks sold in other countries contain different ingredients than those sold in the United States.  The FDA allows companies to include ingredients that are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by qualified experts.  This means they can add quite a few things you might not want to consume.  And when science starts to recognize that an ingredient does cause health concerns, it takes a long time for the FDA to regulate against it's use.  This is why it is so important for you to read labels and/or cook your food from scratch.  Here are some of the ingredients banned in other countries, but allowed in the United States. 

Care for Your Kidneys

Care for Your Kidneys
Your kidneys cleanse 120 - 150 quarts of your blood per day and are vitally important to your wellness.  They are located on each side of your spine below your rib cage.  They help regulate blood pressure and signal your bone marrow to make red blood cells.  One of the best things you can do for your kidneys is to stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar stable.  Here are some foods that can help you care for your kidneys.

Things to Know About Cabbage

Things to Know About Cabbage
Cabbage is one of the cruciferous vegetables that people with thyroid issues may choose to avoid.  That's because it contains goitrogens that interfere with the uptake of iodine in some people.  However, if you are getting enough selenium and iodine in your diet, it may not be an issue.  You can void any concerns you may have by cooking your cruciferous vegetables because that breaks down those compounds.  Here are some health benefits and other things to know about cabbage.

Benefits of Artichokes

Benefits of Artichokes
Artichokes were first consumed in the Mediterranean region long ago.  They have fascinated people for centuries and are even part of Greek mythology.  The artichoke plant is part of the sunflower family and it is the unbloomed flower that you can cook and eat.  They are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins and should be a part of your healthy diet.  99% of the artichokes in north America are grown in California.  Here are some more benefits of artichokes.

What You Need to Know About Postbiotics

What You Need to Know About Postbiotics
You probably know about the importance of probiotics to your gut health.  You may even know about prebiotics that feed them.  But you probably don't know about postbiotics and the important role that they play in your gut health and overall wellness.  They help reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar, improve brain health and more.   Here's what you need to know about postbiotics.
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