Amazing Versatile Castor Oil
The amazing versatile castor oil, is an under used and under appreciated wellness tool.   It has been around since biblical times and has been used to treat a wide variety of health conditions including constipation, weak immune system, skin problems and circulation.  It comes from castor beans and is high in vitamin E, minerals, proteins and beneficial fatty acids.  Castor oil can be one of the simplest and least expensive of all treatments for a wide variety of health issues.

Gut Health

The health of your gut is critical to your health.  And life’s stressors, such as too little sleep and a poor diet, can have a negative impact on it.  When you have too many bad bacteria in your gut, your health suffers because your digestive, immune, nervous and endocrine systems all communicate and interact with one another.  Castor oil has been shown to naturally break down the biofilm that surrounds bad bacteria. Once the biofilm is removed, the good bacteria can restore balance.  This is just one of the many ways the use of castor oil packs can help improve your overall digestive system and improve or eliminate many of the health conditions.  You can start by using a castor oil pack for 45 to 60 minutes a day.  Most people alternate 3 to 4 days on with 3 to 4 days off.

Liver Detoxification

One of the most traditional uses of castor oil pack has been to support liver function.  Castor oil helps improve detoxification and reduce inflammation in your liver.  And a detoxed body can absorb nutrients better and use them more effectively and efficiently.  You can use them for your liver in a similar way as described for gut health.  Place castor oil packs around your liver once daily for about a month with breaks every 3 to 4 days.  For additional improvement in your health, you may want to consider the castor oil wrap that can be worn while sleeping offered by Dr. Marisol.

Reduce Inflammation

Castor oil packs can also be used to reduce inflammation and swelling in injured joints or on sore and achy muscles.  Because castor oil packs can be used warm, they help relax the muscles while aiding in the healing.  Many people hold stress and tension in their muscles, specifically in the back and neck.  By relaxing these muscles and easing tension, castor oil can help to indirectly reduce stress.  The most convenient way to use them for muscles and joints is to buy pre-made packs that can be placed directly on the targeted area.

Balance Hormones

Your body is constantly working to remove toxins and excess hormones.  There are natural detoxification pathways that help the body to process and clear toxins, excess hormones, and cellular waste from the body.  This is how the body avoids the buildup of unwanted chemicals and ensures that all of the body’s processes are working efficiently. When detoxification pathways are working optimally, you can produce and use hormones optimally.  As described above, castor oil packs support the liver and the digestive tract which are two critical detoxification pathways.

Skin Conditions

Castor oil can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions.   The acids in it allow it to stop fungal growth including yeast infections, athlete's foot, and ringworm.  Mix with coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.  Leave it on overnight until the fungus heals.  Another acid in it  helps target the appearance of stretch marks.  For stretch marks, massage castor oil into the desired area and wrap with a cotton cloth, allowing the oil to penetrate the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.  Repeat on a regular basis for three to four weeks.  Many people have also used it to encourage hair growth on the scalp and lashes, to reduce the appearance of scars, and cosmetically to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and acne.

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