Heal Cavities Naturally
It's common to think that if you develop a cavity, that the only solution is to have it filled.  The truth is that your teeth are alive and you can heal them.  The quality of your diet is directly related to your oral health, which in turn, affects your overall health.  There have been studies, research and books written about oral health and reversing tooth decay.  Here are some things you can do to keep your teeth strong and heal cavities naturally.


It probably comes as no surprise that one of the leading causes of tooth decay is too much sugar.  Sugar feeds the bacteria in your mouth and creates an acidic environment that causes decay and demineralization.  This can be seen in very young children who are given bottles of apple juice and end up with multiple cavities by age 2 or 3.  Consuming too much sugar can also lead to inflammation and many other health issues like diabetes, poor skin health, poor cardiovascular health and unstable energy levels.

Oral Hygiene

Brushing your teeth with a non-toxic toothpaste or tooth powder after you eat and/or drink something sugary can help minimize the impact of the sugar on your teeth.  If you can't brush your teeth, rinse your mouth out with water.  Other things you can do to promote healthy oral hygiene is to avoid snacking, drink plenty of water, and do oil puling in the mornings.  Oil pulling is the ancient Ayurvedic practice of swishing a tablespoon of coconut, or MCT oil, in your mouth for 20 minutes.  Spit the oil out into a trash can or container so that it doesn't clog your drain and then brush like normal.  This helps to detoxify your mouth and can be a very useful way to improve your oral health.  Floss your teeth with a natural substance, like silk, after brushing is also a important way to maintain your oral hygiene.  And finally, brushing with an activated charcoal brush or powder, can help remove harm bacteria from your mouth.

Phytic Acid

Phytic acid occurs naturally in some foods and binds to minerals that would otherwise help remineralize your teeth.  In addition to binding to minerals that your body needs for bone and dental health, it can actually leach minerals from your body.  The foods highest in phytic acid are beans, seeds, nuts and grains that are conventionally grown because of the use of high phosphate fertilizers.  You can eliminate the phytic acid in the foods by soaking, sprouting, cooking or fermenting them.

Vitamins and Minerals

The most important vitamins and minerals for your teeth and bones are calcium, phosphate and vitamin D.  Dairy can be a great source of calcium, especially if it is organic and raw.  Other calcium rich foods are seeds and oily fish.  Vitamin D is used by your body to absorb calcium.  Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sun.  If you aren't able to expose your skin to the sun, you have your vitamin D levels checked and take a high quality vitamin D supplement.

Toothpaste/Tooth Powder

Brushing your teeth with a toothpaste or tooth powder that contains the minerals that are lost, is a simple way to make sure your teeth get what they need.  The product you use, or make, should contain minerals or clays that are rich in minerals.  Three mineral rich and useful clays for your teeth are bentonite, white kaolin and green clay.  Avoid products with any artificial sweetener, colorings or other chemicals that can disrupt the natural bacteria balance in your mouth.

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