Sharpen Your Mental Function
Your brain controls your muscles, nerves, and more.  In addition, it controls your thoughts and emotions and stores memories.  These are just some of the reasons you will want to do what you can to protect your brain.  You may think that having "senior moments" and cognitive decline, is a normal part of aging.  But the truth is that there is a lot you can go do to sharpen your mental function.


Eating a nutrient dense diet and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is at the core of your overall wellness.  You're body needs healthy fats and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to get the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally.  Making sure you are getting enough fiber will help your body remove the toxins that you may be storing.  In addition, there is a known connection between your gut health, brain health, and mood.  You can sharpen your mental function and reduce inflammation in your brain by avoiding excess sugar, processed foods, and unhealthy beverages.

Manage Stress

Ongoing physical, or emotional stress, causes inflammation throughout the body - including in your brain.  You've probably noticed how difficult is to think clearly after a poor nights sleep, or after a stressful event.  Your brain and body may benefit from an on-going relaxation practice like yoga, mediation, or breathing exercises.  Or you may want to spend more time doing things you enjoy like gardening, spending time with friends, or getting out in nature.


To maintain good cognitive health, it's important to get oxygen and nutrients to the brain.  If you have traveled for a long stretch of time, you may have noticed how tired and groggy you feel.  A sedentary life style can be harmful for your overall health, and especially for your brain.  You don't have to go the gym to get oxygen to your brain.  Any kind of movement can increase neural connections, balance hormones, and improve your lymphatic drainage.  You'll notice more mental clarity after you've been up and moving.

Eliminate Toxins

Heavy metals that are contained in the air, water, and food you consume, can make their way to your brain and nervous system.  They cause inflammation and need to be eliminated.   Old mercury based dental work is another source of heavy metals.  Lead, mercury, and cadmium are three of the most abundant heavy metals that you may have in your system.  Another toxin that can effect your brain health is mold.  Mold produces mycotoxins, which is harmful to your entire body.  Mycotoxins can show up in food, as well as in damp environments.  You'll need to work with a natural health practioner who can guide you through the process to eliminate these toxins.

Household and Personal Care Products

Cookware, fabrics, plastics, and your household and personal care products, can all contain toxic chemicals that can negatively impact your health and brain.  Because so many more people are aware of the most common toxic chemicals in products, manufacturers are starting to produce less toxic versions of common household products.  But make no mistake, many are still toxic, and can contribute to your toxin load.  Depending on how your body processes toxins, you may need to eliminate all conventional products and switch to natural solutions.  The Environmental Working Group ( is a good starting point for finding the least toxic personal and household products.

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