Sleeping on an Inclined Bed
Sleeping with the head of the bead higher than your feet has benefits.   People have been doing this since Egyptian times.  The idea is that you may be able to optimize circulation, brain health, and other bodily functions by sleeping on roughly a 3 - 5% incline.  This means the whole bed needs to be at a slope, not just the top half.  For a standard queen or king bed, this means adding about 6" to the top of the bed.  Here are some things to consider about sleeping on an inclined bed.

Increased Oxygen

Sleeping on an incline may help you get more oxygen to your cells.  This is because it makes it easier for your lungs to exhale.  Studies have been done that have shown this to be true.  And more oxygen to your cells means decreased inflammation.   If you wear a fitness/sleep tracker, you may be able to see if this is true for you.  You may also see the increased quality of your sleep.

Reduces Heartburn

Sleeping on an incline may help people who experience heartbun keep their stomach acid in their stomach.  I have known people who eat snacks late at night and can't sleep lying flat without getting heartburn and acid reflux.

Lymphatic System Support

Your lymphatic system carries white blood cells throughout your body and helps remove toxins and unhealthy cells from your body.  It does not have it's own pump like the circulatory system,  which has the heart.  Sleeping on an incline allows gravity to move the lymphatic fluid and may benefit your health.

Brain Health

Your glymphatic system flushes toxins our of your brain while you sleep.  That is why you may feel like you can't think clearly if you don't get a good night's sleep.  Sleeping on an incline allows the fluids that remove toxins from your brain to flow more freely. 

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

When you sleep on a flat surface, your tongue and other obstructions in your throat, may cause snoring and sleep apnea.  Sleeping at an incline may open up your airway and allow for a better night sleep.

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