Kidney Health
Your kidneys filter and return blood to your bloodstream while removing waste and toxins from your body.  Protecting your kidney health is critical for your energy and overall well-being.  The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located on each side of your spine below your rib cage.  They help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and produce a chemical which signals the production of red blood cells.  Here are some ways to keep your kidneys healthy.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of pure filtered water helps your kidneys be able to flush toxins out of your body.  In fact, the best way to start your day is with a couple of glasses of water.  Add lemon juice for added health benefits.  A good way to make sure you stay hydrated is to drink at least 4 ounces of water every 30 minutes.   Stop drinking fluids 15 minutes before a meal so that your stomach can produce enough stomach acid to aid in digestion.  If you prefer something with more flavor, you can add organic essential oils or natural electrolyte mixes to you water.  Or drink your water as a tea.  Another option is to make your own spa water by adding cucumbers, or fruits to a carafe of water and let it sit all day as you drink your water.  Drinking water first instead of snacking, can also help you loose weight.

Herbs and Food

You can support your kidney health with the help of some powerful herbs that you can add to your dishes or make tea out of.  Some of the best herbs for the kidneys are parsley, cilantro, horsetail, stinging nettle, milk thistle, and marshmallow root.  You can find ready-made teas and tinctures that contain these herbs.

A healthy diet can keep your kidney's strong.  Eating a variety of vegetables, including leafy greens, beets, spinach, tomatoes, and celery is a good start.  A variety of fruits, especially those high in antioxidants like cranberries, black cherries and blueberries are very healthful.  Consuming lemon/lime juice is also helpful for its cleansing effects.  Nuts, seeds, and legumes are great because of their fiber content and healthy fats.  Other healthy fats include coconut oil, olive oil, grass-fed butter and ghee.


Reflexology is a massage healing technique that originated in ancient China and Egypt.  It uses meridian points on your feet, hands, and ears  that are linked to systems in your body.  Massaging the reflexology point for a body system and can support health in that area.  Conversely, if a body system needs support, that reflexology point may be sensitive.  It is common for a person familiar with reflexology to find body systems that need support during a foot or hand massage.  They can feel a sort of hardness in the reflexology point and the receiver may feel slight discomfort as that point is massaged.


It is important that you move your body on a daily basis.  Your overall health will benefit.  Go for a walk, preferably in nature.  Do some yoga or enjoy a bike ride.  Play outside with your kids or pets.  Movement helps your body move fluids so that they can carry toxins out.  It also helps reduce stress, balance blood sugar, improve oxygen levels, enhances mental clarity and memory, and improves ones mood.

Balanced Blood Sugar

Paying attention to your blood sugar is critical for kidney health.  Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and prediabetes and blood sugar imbalances can increase your risk of kidney issues.  Healthy blood sugar levels can be achieved by eating a healthy, low-processed food diet.  You should avoid foods and drinks that contain sugar or are easily converted to sugar like starchy vegetables and grains.  Managing the body’s important hormones by getting enough sleep and reducing stress, are can also help balance blood sugar.

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